Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has mastered the art of social media. The 44-year old actor recently launched his YouTube channel with the help of vlogger Lilly Singh. He's also wrapped filming on "Fast 8" and is moving on to film his next project, "Jumanji" while jugging work on his TV series, "Ballers." But does that mean that he's too busy to film the sequel to the 2013 film, "G.I. Joe: Retaliation?"
According to Collider, "G.I. Joe 3" star Byung-hun Lee shared that Paramount Pictures and Hasbro are looking to create a sequel, but are still waiting on word about when Johnson's schedule would clear up. Lee said, "They’re arranging the schedules for the actors, especially Dwayne Johnson."
Speaking of schedules, fans can expect Johnson to make the media rounds this holiday season, when Disney's "Moana" hits theaters. He's voicing Maui, the demigod who will go with Moana on her journey to find herself while battling evil forces.
Next year, the "G.I. Joe 3" star will be appearing in "Fast 8" and "Baywatch," two highly anticipated films that are also banking on his superstardom. Most recently, Johnson was tied to the "Jumanji" sequel. The social media savvy star even took to Instagram to share the first look at the concept art of his character, named Dr. Bravestone.