Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker Voicing Activision's New Walking Dead Game

Some news for Activision's Walking Dead game, Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, is adding a touch of authenticity by bringing in the Walking Dead TV show's actors Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker.

Better known as the Dixon brothers with Reedus as Daryl and Rooker as Merle, the two left the backwoods of Georgia and headed to Atlanta after the zombie apocalypse hit. Survival Instinct is that story. 

As the two characters were never featured in the comic, Instinct will be based more in the TV show than the comic. As such, comic creator Robert Kirkman isn't "as involved because that's their [Activision's] thing," he told Game Informer. "I know Activision is working very hard to make a cool-looking game and I'm hopeful it will be something that is worthy of the Walking Dead brand." 

Not many details have been released save for the facts that Survival Instinct will be first person shooter that has players taking on the role of the brothers as the two embark on a "haunting, unforgiving quest to make their way to the supposed safety of Atlanta."

Like any good post-apocalyptic game, item management will be a necesarry skill. Resources like ammunition, food, supplies, etc., will be extremely scarce.

Players will have the option to choose between taking the undead head on, or using stealth to avoid detection. It may sound familiar to the breakout Dead Island, but given its setting in the backwoods of Georgia, it should be completely different. As a press release describes, "No place is truly safe for Daryl as he makes his way through the Georgia countryside in this new, post-apocalyptic world."

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is set to be released in 2013 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

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