"Gotham" season 3 is aptly subtitled "Mad City" and the newest trailer has arrived ahead of the show's return in September. The new trailer features a preview of several new players on the show, specifically the villains who are out to terrorize Gotham City.
IGN reports that Kieran Mulcare of Netflix's "Jessica Jones" is indeed appearing as Solomon Grundy, as many speculated when the news about him joining "Gotham" season 3 broke out. There's also Maggie Geha's super sexy Poison Ivy, and as executive producer John Stevens promised during the TCA Press Tour, the prototype of Killer Croc.
The new "Mad City" trailer for "Gotham" season 3 shows viewers a seemingly discouraged Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) as he admits, "Saving Gotham isn't my job anymore," and an overconfident Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) who claims that "Gotham listens to me." Of course, there's still the indispensable Fish Moony (Jada Pinkett Smith), Selina Kyle (Camren Bicondova), and Barbara Kean (Erin Richards), who are all set to wreak havoc in the city as well.
According to Collider, "Gotham" season 3 will zero in on the criminal organization called Court of the Owls. It will also follow Gordon's journey as a bounty hunter in search of Hugo Strange (BD Wong), following his peculiar experiments on individuals in Indian Hill. As per Bruce, there's more to uncover about his late wealthy parents' past, so there's that to look forward to as well. We recently reported on how the Joker may come back to Gotham City, as producers confirmed it was his laughter heard at the tail end of season 2.
Mazouz recently spoke to TV Guide about playing two roles, that of Bruce Wayne and his mysterious doppelganger who recently arrived at Gotham City. The young actor described the new character as "lost" and someone who is "looking for a purpose," which he ultimately finds, but it isn't what viewers had in mind exactly. He adds that the doppelganger isn't exactly an evil version of the young Bruce Wayne, instead he is a completely different person, and the only thing they share are their looks.
"Gotham" season 3 debuts on September 19 at 8 p.m. on FOX. Stay tuned to Game & Guide for more "Gotham" season 3 news!