‘Pokemon GO’ Gym Strategy Guide: 5 Best Gym Defenders

‘Pokemon GO’ Gym Strategy Guide: 5 Best Gym Defenders

A "Pokemon GO" gym strategy guide is now more important than ever. After the initial craze of catching them all, most players have a sizable mons collection by now. What's left, especially for those who have managed to take control of gyms, is to figure out how to best defend one's turf by deploying the best "Pokemon GO" gym defenders the game has to offer.

Confused? Fret not. Somebody already figured out what the best "Pokemon GO" gym defenders are, the top five of which will be revealed further in this article. For those who are yet to acquire their first gym or those who want to add more into their fold, perhaps this brief guide for the best "Pokemon GO" gym attackers would be useful.

.Snorlax is ranked by Ranked Boost to be the best "Pokemon GO" gym defender in the game. It excels in this role because of its high HP stats as well as its moveset Zen Headbutt - Hyper Beam. The best part is, Snorlax does not seem to have any particular weakness.

Lapras is also deemed one of the best "Pokemon GO" gym defenders with its Ice Shard - Ice Beam moveset and high HP stats. It is particularly effective against strong attackers such as Arcanine, Dragonite, Charizard and Flareon. However, it is weak against Fighting, Grass, Electric and Rock types.

Aside from being a good attacker, Dragonite is also a powerful "Pokemon GO" gym defender due to its high attack and max CP stats along with its moveset Steel Wings - Dragon Pulse. However, it may not be as effective if the attackers are Rock and Fairy types.

Vaporeon is ranked as one of the best "Pokemon GO" gym defenders. Its moveset Water Gun - Water Pulse along with its high HP stats are effective against the attacks of Charizard, Flareon and Arcanine. However, it might have some problems against Electric and Grass types.

Poliwrath rounds up the top 5 "Pokemon GO" best gym defenders list. Its high defense stats coupled with the moveset Bubble - Hydro Pump is effective against attackers Flareon, Arcanine and Lapras. However, it can be vulnerable against Fairy, Grass, Electric, Psychic and Flying types. Stay tuned to GamenGuide for the more 'Pokemon GO' strategy guides. 

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