Mass Effect- Our List Of The Five Best Missions In The Trilogy (Watch Trilogy Trailer Here)

Bioware has already announced a Shepard-less Mass Effect 4, and the original trilogy is over, But Mass Effect 3 is still getting single-player downloadable content. Leviathan was pretty good and hopefully the Omega added content will be better when it releases on Tuesday Nov. 27

Mass Effect 2 had one of the best single-player mission DLCs in the franchise with the Lair of the Shadow Broker. It wasn't just a great expansion; it was one of the best missions in the series featuring flying car chase, detective work, a lot of action and a final boss that made it all worthwhile. But is it one of th3 top five missions in the trilogy? Here is our list of the five best missions in the Mass Effect trilogy:

5. Locating the Prothean Beacon Eden Prime: This is the mission that started the franchise. The opening cinematic familiarizes gamers to many of the series' mainstays like Captain Anderson, Doctor Chakwas, Joker and Kaidan Alenko. The action becomes intense as soon as players hit the ground and the musical score is straight out of a 1980s sci-fi movie. The Eden Prime mission has the first two deaths in the series as Geth Recon Drones kill Jenkins and Spectre Nihlus Krik meets an untimely death at the hands of friend. Gunnery Chief Ashely Willaims also joins the squad on Eden Prime. It is the perfect introduction to a new sci-fi universe that is filled with wonderment.

4. The Lair of the Shadow Broker: For those who didn't read the story of what happened to Shepard after he was turned into space charcoal, the Shadow Broker DLC explains what Liara did in his absence. The mission begins on Illium when Shepard presents Liara with information regarding the location of the infamous Shadow Broker and that her former Drell partner Feron is still alive. From there on the mission takes gamers on a high-pursuit car chase of a rogue Spectre through the air-roadways of Illium. Gamers are then whisked away to the massive spaceship of the Broker and must battle through his elite guards to infiltrate the ship, before battling one of the more memorable bosses in the franchise. Another bonus of the DLC is that you can re-kindle your romanced with Liara.

3. Rannoch: Throughout the series the war between the Geth and the Quarians has raged on with Shepard as both a participant and an observer. In Mass Effect 3 the final battle of the war appears to be on the horizon, as the Quarian forces have attempted to retake their former home world Rannoch. The best part of this mission is not the action as much as the choices that must be made by the player. The fate of two civilizations relies on your choice. Take a breath. It is one of those classic moments in the series where gamers feel the weight of the decision.

2. The Collectors Base: For me the suicide mission was the best part of any Mass Effect game. The decision that had to be made when the crew splint into groups were nerve racking. I didn't want to lose a single member of the team and I found myself second-guessing my decisions. In the end it all worked out and I had everyone survive the mission. Everything was phenomenal during the mission from the music to the dialogue between Shepard and his crew. Watching humans get liquefied in the stasis pod is also a jaw dropping moment, plus you have the make a tough decision whether or not to send one of your squadmates to escort the survivors back to the Normandy. It is an interesting dilemma. If there was one flaw in the mission it was battling a T-800 from "Terminator."

1. Virmire: What seems like a simple reconnaissance mission turns into one of the most gut-wrenching missions in the trilogy. It begins with a little Mako driving through a small armada of Geth forces to get to the Salarian reconnaissance team. Once you reach the Salarians encampment, you are introduced to Captain Kirrahe, who mentions that Saren is breeding an army of Krogan and has found a cure for the genophage. Your buddy Wrex finds out and is not too pleased with the plans to destroy the factory and cure. This leads to a heated discussion between Shepard and Wrex with Ashley waiting in the wings to kill Wrex. The first time I played through the game, I kept the conversation going a little too long and witness Williams blast Wrex before I could convince him to destroy the cure. It was a shocking moment to say the least.

That is only the first part of the mission, because either with or without Wrex, you still have to lead an assault on the facility. You are forced to let one of your squadmates join Captain Kirrahe and his team, as you lead a squad through the Krogan engineering plant. Once you get through the base you truly meet Sovereign and discover that he is not a Reaper ship, but an actually Reaper. If that isn't enough you are soon force to choose between the life of Ashley and Kaidan, before battling against the Reaper enhanced Saren. It is the mission that shaped the rest of the trilogy.

What are your favorite missions in the series? Comment in the section below and  check out our list of the five best squadmates here. Watch the "Mass Effect Trilogy" trailer below...

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