‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News & Update: Probability Capture Calculator Tool Saves Trainers Pokeballs & Time; Pidgey Spam & CP Calculator Discussed

‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News & Update: Probability Capture Calculator Tool Saves Trainers Pokeballs & Time; Pidgey Spam & CP Calculator Discussed

"Pokemon GO" players can now calculate the probability of capturing a Pokemon using Poke Assistant's probability capture calculator. This tool will increase the chances of trainers catching a particular Pokemon. Moreover, the Pidgey Spam tool shows players the optimal amount of transfer to make huge XP level amounts and informs users when to use the Lucky Egg.

While catching Pokemon, "Pokemon GO" trainers often rely on chance. But the new probability capture calculator not only saves time for players but also Pokeballs. Players need to select from three Ball options available. They are Ultraball, Pokeball and Greatball. They also need to select the name of the Pokemon. Trainers should select the correct Ball type.

The success of capturing Pokemon using the "Pokemon GO" probability capture calculator also depends on the color of the ring and level of target. Level 1 and green ring Pokemon have the best chance of capture. iTech Post has shared a Pokemon capture probability chart for Pikachu.

It shows that a level 1 green color Pokemon has an 86 percent chance of capture if Pokeball is used. In the same level, a green color ring Pokemon has a 92 percent chance of capture when a "Pokemon GO" trainer uses Ultraball. The probability percentage reduces significantly as the levels go up.

Hence, at level 30, if a "Pokemon GO" player uses Pokeball, a red color ring Pokemon has only a 10 percent chance of getting captured. With the same dynamics in place, an orange color ring Pokemon has a 20 percent chance of capture.

However, Poke Assistant's probability capture calculator may not be foolproof, as revealed by "Pokemon GO" developers. A player's Pokemon capture success is also not improved with Berries and Nice Throws.

The Pidgey Spam tool can be used by "Pokemon GO" players as it optimizes the number of transfers to maximise one's XP and evolves. The tool informs trainers about the number of Pokemon transfers one needs before he/she can utilise the Lucky Egg. This enables players level up with maximum XP through Pokemon evolves.

"Pokemon GO" trainers can calculate the Combat Power (CP) of a Pokemon they are planning to evolve using the CP tool. The tool shows the highest possible CP in a Pokemon's evolved state when the name and current CP of a Pokemon is entered.

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