'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Theory: If Jon Snow Is Azor Ahai, Who Is His Nissa Nissa Who Will Create Lightbringer?

'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Theory: If Jon Snow Is Azor Ahai, Who Is His Nissa Nissa Who Will Create Lightbringer?

All the Jon Snow theories have been proven right on "Game of Thrones" Season 6. Fans have correctly predicted that the murdered Lord Commander of the Night Watch will be resurrected. A long standing "A Song of Ice and Fire" theory was also proven in the highly anticipated conclusion of the Tower of Joy scene. So will Jon finally be confirmed to be Azor Ahai in "Game of Thrones" Season 7?

"Game of Thrones" fans are aware of the Azor Ahai prophecy. In Season 2, Melisandre declared that Stannis Baratheon is the Prince Who Was Promised. The prophesized savior is expected to save Westeros from impending doom aka the White Walkers. By the sixth season, Melisandre has realized that Jon Snow is the possible Azor Ahai.

Jon Snow Azor Ahai Theory To Be Proven In 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7?

All clues seem to point to Jon Snow being the Prince Who Was Promised. After all, he was resurrected and has been confirmed to be a Targaryen (it is believed that Azor Ahai will come from House Targaryen). Fans speculate that Jon could be declared as the savior of Westeros in "Game of Thrones" Season 7.

However, there is just one problem with the Jon Snow is Azor Ahai theory. The messiah is said to wield a sword called Lightbringer, which was originally forged when R'hllor plunged his blade into his beloved's heart. Jon will need his own Nissa Nissa, who will sacrifice herself to save Westeros. Will the new Nissa Nissa be introduced in "Game of Thrones" Season 7?

Will Daenerys Targaryen Become The Sacrificial Nissa Nissa In 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7?

There are speculations that Daenerys Targaryen will form an alliance with the North by marrying Jon Snow. If he truly is Azor Ahai and he needs to forge Lightbringer to save Westeros, will Jon have to kill Daenerys in "Game of Thrones" Season 7?

Do you think Jon Snow is the Prince Who Was Promised? Will Azor Ahai have to kill the new Nissa Nissa in "Game of Thrones" Season 7? Let us know in the comments.

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