‘Pokemon Go’ Latest News & Update: Damage Calculators Will Help Take Over Gyms

‘Pokemon Go’ Latest News & Update: Damage Calculators Will Help Take Over Gyms

“Pokemon Go” includes dealing with gyms. Some may want to take over while others simply want to train up. But the first question that players may want to ask themselves is if their clan of Pokemon critters is good enough to get the job done.

In most cases, “Pokemon Go” players will end up being dwarfed by the high CP of the Pokemon at the gates. While it is something to be expected, the immediate notion of most is to retreat and come back when they get their main character up and ready for better chances at conquest.

The secret may fall on how a “Pokemon Go” player does his math. There is the practice of trying to compute the appropriate CP and IV numbers. If done properly, the chances of taking over could be better than initially thought.

Get the Damage Calculator

Rather than sulk on the leveling up of a player’s CP, checking out the actual damage your Pokemon characters can render may be a good idea. A calculator that can properly return the amount of damage can be derived with the aid of this file.

From the sheet, all “Pokemon Go” players have to do is key in the necessary information. Depending on the number of characters on a player’s Pokedex, it is advisable to download the Pokemon roster CSV file and integrate it with the sheet.

Reddit user homu explains that such would help “Pokemon Go” players determine the ‘damage dealt’ and the ‘damage received’. The calculator can eventually help evaluate a player’s roster and return the chances one has when it comes to ambitiously taking over specific gyms.

The whole approach looks like a geeky but analytical way to conquer seemingly invincible gyms. But then again, “Pokemon Go” players can treat it as something that is better than ending up with a loss and wasted time.

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