‘Pokemon GO’ Tips & Tricks: Ways Players Are Cheating ‘Pokemon GO’ & Why You Shouldn’t Cheat

‘Pokemon GO’ Tips & Tricks: Ways Players Are Cheating ‘Pokemon GO’ & Why You Shouldn’t Cheat

"Pokemon GO" is just more than a month old and just like every other popular game in history, "Pokemon GO" players found a way to cheat. So here are ways player are cheating "Pokemon GO" and why you shouldn't cheat.

Spoofing GPS for 'Pokemon GO'

This could be the most common way of cheating ever since the game started. As we all know "Pokemon GO" was released by region and  not worldwide all at once. Due to this people resulted in tricking their phones and the "Pokemon GO" app that they're in another place while they never even left the comfort of their home.

Pokemon Tracking Maps

"Pokemon GO" mapping tools are third party websites or applications that uses Google Maps and  "Pokemon GO's" database to show where are the exact location of the sought after Pokemons. This somehow takes away the thrill of finding Pokemons in the wild but with "Pokemon GO's" nearby tracking system's lack of sufficient information, I can see why people are resulting to this tactic.

'Pokemon GO' Bots

Just like any online game, bots are also present in "Pokemon GO." Now this could be the most laziest way of cheating or playing the game. From capturing Pokemons to hatching eggs, these bots are perfect for the lazy "Pokemon GO" trainer.

Selling 'Pokemon GO' accounts

This must be the hardest cheat for Niantic to detect as all of the transaction done by the players is done out of the game. A lot of people are selling their "Pokemon GO" accounts and this is actually a known practice with all types of games.

Why sticking to the rules is better?

There is one big reason though on why you don't want to immitate or try any of the methods mentioned above. Niantic is now punishing cheaters with permanent bans. So ask yourself if cheatin is indeed worth your effort and time.

Stay tuned to Game & Guide for more "Pokemon GO" news! 

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