‘Pokemon Go’ Latest Cheats & Tips: How To Throw Off GPS Tracking & Save Pokeballs

‘Pokemon Go’ Latest Cheats & Tips: How To Throw Off GPS Tracking & Save Pokeballs

The essence of “Pokemon Go” is all behind the distance traveled. GPS tracking calculated the distance walked and some have done the necessary to catch the elusive critters and goodies to add to their Pokedex.

Knowing that the game has a lot of flaws, Niantic has already released a patch to address some issues. The most popular one has to do with the trackers, a feature that is now limited to the built-in tracking that comes with “Pokemon Go”.

But like most games, those tightened measures are unlikely to stop players from looking at alternative ways to level up and get goodies from “Pokemon Go”. There are a couple of things folks can do to throw the GPS-sensitive game.

Low Battery Mode and deactivating “High Accuracy”

For the Android-based “Pokemon Go” players, you may want to turn battery saver on and turn the ‘high accuracy’ feature on the device’s location settings off. Doing so will throw the game off since it will end up miscalculating the distance traveled. It gives “Pokemon Go” players better chances of hatching the collected eggs which are an alternative to getting Pokemon characters.

Would you attach your device to a ceiling fan?

In what seems to be a measure only the “Pokemon Go” addicts will resort to, attaching your device to a ceiling fan could help. This tricks to the game into thinking that a player is actually moving, an odd recourse but nevertheless worth a shot, BGR reported.

How to save up the Pokeballs?

Ever wonder how you can improve your aim when the time comes for your to throw your Pokeballs at the rascals? The Poke Ball Thrower could be a good tactic to consider, something made of a cardboard box and sticky notes.

It technically guides and trains you to become a better Pokeball thrower and save you the trouble of wasting collected artillery. Folks who want to make one can check it out here.

If you want to see more hacks, Bloomberg has compiled a lot of that which could come in handy.

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