Clean Your Social Media Feed: How To Block Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Kim Kardashian & Everything Else?

Clean Your Social Media Feed: How To Block Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Kim Kardashian & Everything Else?

Whatever side you are with, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, or you simply want to be apolitical, there's an app to help you block them from your social media feeds. A  Google Chrome extension called "Remove Donald Trump from Facebook" will help subscribers pull out all news, feeds or whatever links may be from their newsfeed.

The app, offered by Derek Story, has now more than 4,000 users. Story might have developed the extension because he "got sick" of looking at Trump. It is not fool-proof, though. When the news only mentions his first or last name, or even his picture, it would still appear on your feeds.

Installing the app is easy as it runs, without an icon, in the background. When you want to delete it from the system, you simply have to disable it from Google Chrome extension.

Some users, however, claim that they have experienced some browsing issues when they used the app. A similar extension, but with less followers, called "Hillary Blocker" removes her from appearing on your webpages, Facebook and even YouTube.

"Trump Filter" can erase text and photos of the presidential candidate. Developed by Rob Spectre, it has three variations, namely: mild, aggressive and vindictive. It is so effective that one user playing Bridge was cut off because one member was named Donald!

Well, if you want more than just Clinton or Trump to be removed from your newsfeed, try "Hillary Filter & Jeb Filter: All in 1." It also blocks Bush from your webpage and Facebook newsfeed.

Sometimes, people get tired not only of those political issues but also of celebrity nuisance. If you are one of them, why not try the "Kardashian Filter." It does not only remove Kardashians from your newsfeed, it claims it can actually block any word of your choice.

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