‘Pokemon GO’ Cheats, Tips & Tricks: How To Create A PokeStop Farming Spot

‘Pokemon GO’ Cheats, Tips & Tricks: How To Create A PokeStop Farming Spot

PokeStops are places in "Pokemon GO" that lets you collect items such as eggs and PokeBalls use to capture more Pokemon.  

PokeStops are located at selected places near you that are indicated on your map with blue icons. When getting closer to the icon it will then change its shape and clicking it allows the player to swipe Photo Disc which will then show items in bubbles.

The PokeStop icon will change its color to purple once you are done collecting items and you will have to wait for it to go back to its original color to collect again which takes about five minutes. A PokeStop will give you three to four items at a time but if you are already level 5 and up you can get yourself PokeBalls, Pokemon Eggs and other items such as revives and potions that you can use in battles

Lure Modules and PokeStops

Purchasing a Lure Modules can give the player a privilege to can place a lure at any PokeStop to increase the amount of Pokemon in the area. A showering pink petals is seen on the map where the Lure Module is used and clicking on a nearby PokeStop will give you details on who used the lure.

How to Create a PokeStop Farming Spot

PokeStops can be a great place to find Pokemon when used with Lure Module. And some areas have already created actual farming spots that will have endless counts of Pokemon and supplies. Making your own farming spot is not easy and you will need a lot of things to make it work. Listed below are what you will need:

Multiple PokeStops

Location is the most important part of a farming spot. You will need to have many PokeStops near each other. Having 3 to 5 PokeStops that are just walking distance is a good thing to start with. Check your location and explore for you to find a good place.

You need to remember that PokeStops have two important uses. First is they can give you a constant stream of Pokemon when lures are active on them and the second use is to fill up your poke ball supply

Bring Lures

You will need a lot of Lure Modules in order to make this work. You will either need to buy some or get a group of friends to help you with it. Having all of the PokeStops with active lures is the most important thing to farming.

You can also use incense when walking for bigger boost. You will now have Pokemons showing up and being lured at the same time.

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