‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News, Release Date & Update: Battle Damage Nerfed, Buffed With Recent Game Update

‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News, Release Date & Update: Battle Damage Nerfed, Buffed With Recent Game Update

For "Pokemon GO" players who might have noticed something strange going on with the app, be assured they are not just imagining things. Niantic Labs just made a sweeping 'Pokemon GO' update aimed to rebalance the "Pokemon GO" gameplay.

"Pokemon GO' Update - Pokemon Attack Ratings Nerfed / Buffed

Probably the major change that would be of concern to Pokemon GO players is the changing of attacks brought by the recent "Pokemon GO" update. Some Pokemon had their attacks increase while some of the stronger ones were weakened.

Generally though, it seems Niantic Labs weakened the damage for fast or quick attacks. On the other hand, charged attacks of Pokemon seem to have been strengthened across the board as noted by CNET.

The Pokemon GO community posted on Reddit the damage changes made to the Pokemon with the latest update which can be found at the last portion of this article. It must be noted that these values are just player observations and might at times be erroneous. It seems that for now, Niantic Labs wants players to experience the joys of discovering that the attacks of their Pokemon have become stronger or weaker. It would certainly be a lively topic for discussion.

"Pokemon GO" Update - Niantic Announces Changes

In the "Pokemon GO" page in the Play Store, Niantic posted some notes detailing the changes of the latest "Pokemon GO" update. For instance, the latest game version is now 0.31.0 where players may not re-customize their avatars via the trainer profile screen. Fixes were also made to address some of the known game issues. Gym animations were refined while footprints of nearby Pokemon were removed from the game. The notes also talked about modifying battle damage calculations but no detailed values were provided. In this case, the values provided by the Pokemon GO community in Reddit could prove to be useful.

"Pokemon GO" Update - Changes In Attack Damage

Listed below are some of the noted changes as listed in the Reddit post by ThePhrancium on the subreddit TheSilphRoad.


Aerial Ace: 25 -> 30

Air Cutter: 25 -> 30

Ancient Power: 30 -> 35

Aqua jet: 15 -> 25

Blizzard: 60 -> 100

Bubble: 15 -> 25

Bubble Beam: 25 -> 30

Bug Buzz: 50 -> 75

Bulldoze: 30 -> 35

Confusion: 12 -> 15

Cross Chop: 55 -> 60

Cross Poison: 20 -> 25

Dazzling Gleam: 45 -> 55

Dig: 55 -> 70

Dragon Pulse: 50 -> 65

Draining Kiss: 15 -> 25

Drill Peck: 30 -> 40

Drill Run: 40 -> 50

Earthquake 60 > 100

Fire Blast: 60 -> 100

Fire Fang: 7 -> 10

Fire Punch: 35 -> 40

Flame Wheel: 35 -> 40

Flamethrower: 50 -> 55

Flash Cannon: 55 -> 60

Gunk Shot: 60 -> 65

Heat Wave: 60 -> 80

Hurricane: 60 -> 80

Hydro Pump: 60 -> 90

Hyper Beam: 70 -> 120

Ice Beam: 50 -> 65

Ice Punch: 35 -> 45

Ice Shard: 12 -> 15

Icy Wind: 15 -> 25

Leaf Blade: 45 -> 55

Moon Blast: 60 -> 85

Mud Bomb: 25 -> 30

Mud Slap: 6 -> 15

Megahorn: 55 -> 80

Night Slash: 25 -> 30

Ominous Wind: 25 -> 30

Play Rough: 50 -> 55

Petal Blizzard: 50 -> 65

Power whip: 60 -> 70

Psychic: 50 -> 55

Rock Smash: 5 -> 15

Seed Bomb: 30 -> 40

Shadow Ball: 40 -> 45

Sludge Bomb: 50 -> 55

Sludge Wave: 60 -> 70

Solar Beam: 70 -> 120

Stomp: 25 -> 30

Stone Edge 55 > 80

Thunder: 65 -> 100

Thunderbolt: 50 -> 55

Twister: 15 -> 25

Water pulse: 30 -> 35

X-Scissor: 30 -> 35


Aqua tail: 50 -> 45

Body Slam: 50 -> 40

Bug Bite: 6 -> 5

Discharge: 40 -> 35

Dragon Claw: 40 -> 35

Frost Breath: 12 -> 9

Iron Head: 40 -> 30

Lick: 10 -> 5

Metal Claw: 12 -> 8

Mud Shot: 12 -> 6

Poison Jab: 15 -> 12

Pound: 8 -> 7

Psycho cut: 15 -> 7

Scratch: 10 -> 6

Shadow Claw: 16 -> 11

Vine whip: 10 -> 7

Water gun: 10 -> 6

Wing attack: 12 -> 9

Zen Headbutt: 15 -> 12

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