'Pokemon GO' Cheats, Tips & Tricks: Pokemon Gyms And How To Win Battles, Earn Pokecoins

'Pokemon GO' Cheats, Tips & Tricks: Pokemon Gyms And How To Win Battles, Earn Pokecoins

With the soaring popularity of "Pokemon Go," new players are likely to join the game since almost everyone is already doing it. One aspect of "Pokemon Go" gameplay that can be intimidating to newcomers is about Pokemon gyms, a concept that will be explored in this "Pokemon Go" cheats, hacks and guide.

"Pokemon Go" Cheats, Tips - The Pokemon Gym

For new players to the "Pokemon Go" game, the gym concept can be a bit daunting. One might even be tempted to question if it is really necessary to battle it out with higher level Pokemons defending a Pokemon gym.

But the concept of battling for control and taking over a gym is an essential aspect in the overall "Pokemon Go" gameplay. For players who have made a certain progress into the "Pokemon Go" game, controlling as many gyms as possible is necessary to be competitive.

It has to do with Pokecoins, the in-game currency. For now, there are only two ways to earn Pokecoins; either by buying it outright with real cash or by successfully defending a gym. A player can earn 10 Pokecoins and 500 stardust for every Pokemon defending a gym every 21 hours, according to Android Central.

Of course, the more Pokecoins a player has, the better. Pokecoins can be used to buy PokeBalls, incense, lucky egg, lure module, incubator, bag and pokemon storage upgrade.

"Pokemon Go" Tips, Cheats - Check Your Pokemon Health

Before one decides to challenge a gym, a prerequisite is that all Pokemons to be deployed for battle must have full health, suggests The Bit Bag. This is a no-brainer, challenging a strong Pokemon defending a Pokemon gym without full health Pokemons is a recipe for disaster.

"Pokemon Go" Hack, Cheat & Tip - Choose The Best & Strongest

This is also a logical strategy in order to win gym battles. As an attacker, players have the advantage of choosing only the best and the strongest in Pokemons in their stable to challenge the gym's defender.

"Pokemon Go" Tips, Hacks - Remember To Dodge

In case players are up against a very strong Pokemon defending a gym, here is a "Pokemon Go" hack that could spell the difference between failure and success. When the strong Pokemon gym defender attacks, be sure to dodge and dodge quick.

Dodging an attack from an opponent means that the player's Pokemon won't sustain any damage. Dodging is done by quickly swiping left or right but timing here is of utmost importance. There is actually an indication that the enemy Pokemon is about to launch its attack and is warned by a yellow flashing on the screen.

"Pokemon Go" Hacks, Tips - Pacing Attacks And Other Items In One's Bag

Just like in boxing, a proper pacing in the attacks is advantageous. For instance, one can't just tapped like crazy and attack the opponent because it might mean a missed chance to dodge when needed.

It is best to attack only after the enemy Pokemon just launch its own attack since there is a cooldown period. When the yellow flashing start, attacks must cease in preparation for a defensive dodge.

Players also need to know that they can use the items in their bags during battle. Items such as potions and revives could be of great use.

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