This Interactive Map Of Westeros Will Make You A 'Game of Thrones' Geography Expert; Unexplored Cities Included

This Interactive Map Of Westeros Will Make You A 'Game of Thrones' Geography Expert; Unexplored Cities Included

While fans wait for the seventh season of "Game of Thrones," they can be amused by the new interactive map of Westeros and see many of the familiar places in the series, as well as unexplored territory.

Quarter Maester created a very detailed interactive map of Westeros for people who wish to know more about the seven kingdoms. The team created the "Game of Thrones" map using the Google Maps API.

Fans can zoom in and out to check out the various areas, as well as determine where these lie on the entire geography.

Specific areas can also be clicked to lead users to its corresponding "Game of Thrones" Wikipedia page, thereby showcasing complete details.

According to Polygon, there are notes on cities on the interactive Westeros map that indicate whether these will be explored more in later seasons or have not yet been featured in the series.

Users can also toggle the restrictions to allow or disallow certain information on the map. They can choose to hide certain areas as well.

The Verge noted that many events in "Game of Thrones" actually happen simultaneously, which explain why certain characters appear to be teleporting to various locations and are in the company of different characters at the same time.

The characters' travels in "Game of Thrones" Season 6 were chronicled in the interactive Westeros map to determine how plausible it was for them to move from one location to another.

Several important trips in the recent series were plotted, such as the Greyjoy's journey to Mereen, Jon Snow and Sansa's tour of the North and Arya returning to Westeros.

Some of the more believable travels include Brienne's visit to Mole Town, Daenerys' trip to Vaes Dothrak, Jaime Lannister's tour of the Riverlands.

Some of the unlikely travels include the Sand Snakes' fast move to King's Landing, Varys jumping from Dorne to Mereen and the White Walkers, who are taking more than six season to wreak havoc among the living in Westeros.

Users can have a lot of fun working with the interactive map of Westeros and expanding their knowledge on the different locations and characters as they wait for the next chapter.

Fans can click on specific character names to see their paths and perhaps come up with their own theories and predictions on the different Houses.

"Game of Thrones" Season 7 is expected to return in April 2017. More updates and details on Westeros are expected soon.

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