For two seasons, "Tokyo Ghoul" remained resilient as it cruises the world of anime and trade. However, "Tokyo Ghoul Season 3" has been projected to bring about many flaws. Also, notions of Ken Kaneki's true identity arise as most claims that he is not the true protagonist of the franchise.
MNG relayed that in terms of the release date set for "Tokyo Ghoul Season 3," it remains unknown. Surprisingly, those that made and developed the anime franchise have affirmed no release date for the segment.
Meanwhile, there were inclinations that the series is underway but since its creators did not confirmed its, fans and followers should remain vigilant of the information coming out for the series.
Also, a report alleges that the president, Gen Fukunaga of Funimation has mentioned some details of the next season of "Tokyo Ghoul Season 3" coming out for this year.
Despite the allegations, the series did not return in the summer months of 2016. Looking back, the first season of "Tokyo Ghoul" came out during the months 2014 in wintertime. Owing to that, many are expecting that "Tokyo Ghoul Season 3" would come out during the winter months, according to Crossmap.
Meanwhile, it is not only the release date that is a burden for the enthusiasts but also the rumors of the protagonist not being a protagonist at all have escalated.
It is undeniable that the series has brought forth many issues for the anime franchise. Despite that fact, "Tokyo Ghoul Season 3" is still one of the anime segments that the enthusiasts have been waiting for such a time.
Nevertheless, it remains unsettled on when the series would return and on whether Ken Kaneki would fight with the good side or wreck havoc together with the bad guys on the block.