Dark Knight Rises: Bane's Mask, Muscles and Brains Revealed in Notes

The Dark Knight Rises' latest marketing tactic hit the internet as Warner Bros unveiled production note for the upcoming film. 

Fans can check out the 49 page document at the movie's official website.  For the most part, much of the info may have already been discovered by those following  The Dark Knight Rises news.  Though there are some tidbits which may appeal to fans seeking potential spoilers. 

Batman's newest villain Bane was mentioned quite a few times throughout the notes, particularly about his unique combination of smarts and physical strength.  Bane's destructive demeanor and a "take no prisoners" mentality makes him out to be the most lethal villain in director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. 

"Like a brawny butcher swinging a cleaver, there's no hesitation or empathy that slows his hand as he goes about his wet work amid the body count. Anarchy spreads but the chaos is only a cover from Bane's true plans - those, like the villain himself, are difficult to unmask," stated the production notes. 

Bane's dominating presence in the film called for adjustments to  Batman's fighting style.  In The Dark Knight Rises, Batman retired his role as the Dark Knight and went out of action for 8 years.  Prior to his personal exile, fans watched Batman beat down enemies using the martial arts style of Keysi in the first two films.  With Bane's new brute and forceful nature, Batman will be looking to take his fighting game to a new level.  The battle scenes are reported to be very physical and epic in matching with the film's motto "The Legend Ends."

Tom Hardy, the actor playing Bane, shares his insight on Batman's latest villain.

"Bane is a terrorist in both his mentality and his actions," says Hardy. "He is physically intimidating and he's also very intelligent, which makes him even more dangerous."

The new villain that Nolan introduces challenges Batman in every aspect, both in brute strength and brains. 

"The physical component of what Bruce Wayne does as Batman is of extraordinary importance, and we had not truly challenged that in the first two films.  I really wanted to see Batman meet his match physically, as well as intellectually.  bane is raw strength with a fanatical devotion to duty, and that combination make him unstoppable, " said Nolan. 

Previously, Nolan revealed more information about the films villain in a magazine issue of Rolling Stone. The magazine featured Bane in his military field coat, armor vest, and gas mask.

Batman and Bane's epic battle is looking to become a memorable piece of cinema as many will wonder if the Dark Knight has met his match.  An unpleasant quote from Bane "the shadows betray you because they belong to me," signals a hard climb out of retirement for the Caped Crusader.


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