PS Plus April 2015 Free Games Revealed: Dishonored, Never Alone, Killzone Mercenary, And More!

PS Plus Announces Free Games For April: Dishonored, Never Alone, Killzone Mercenary, And More!

Sony made sure not to make fans wait this time around: the free PlayStation Plus games for April have been announced.

Back to the usual format this month, wherein subscribers get six titles across PlayStation platforms instead of last month's unexpected five games. It's believed a hangup with Dishonored caused the issue, but the game has made it through for April. A couple of these games are available for two systems, but most are platform exclusive. Without further ado:


Never Alone

A unique puzzle adventure game about a native Alaskan girl, Never Alone is beautifully animated and will likely be pretty different from anything else you'll play.

Tower of Guns 

Even the official blog post announcement reads: "A game that needs little introduction. Why? Because it's a tower filled with guns!" That's a very fair point, as the premise does a great job of explaining itself. You'll have to survive a hail of bullets, enemies, and more in first person as the tower bears down on you.

Aaru's Awakening

A 2D platformer that began as a project for students in Iceland, this title features teleportation and treacherous terrain.



Bethesda's action-stealth shooter missed the boat last time around, but it has arrived safely in April. Receieved as a favorite of the last gaming generation for many, Dishonored offers an steampunkish shooter with plenty of combat, abilities, and nonviolent stealth options at every turn that allow you to play through the story as you'd like.

Tower of Guns

PS Vita

Killzone Mercenary

Play through the well-known franchise from the perspective of a mercenary as you take on the Helghast. A full muiltplayer mode is included, and this is a generally positively reviewed title for Vita.


A puzzle game about a monster, who is in fact shaped like a bag. He's just trying to meet up with his friend without scaring people--is that too much to ask?

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