Marvel isn't the only one having a universe shaking up event this summer, as DC is having its own with Convergence. Co-publisher Dan Didio recently spoke up about what fans can expect in the upcoming series.
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This isn't the first time that DC has made a dramatic universal shake up event, but this one is different from Crisis on Infinite Earth.
This new event will be bringing all of the dead worlds under one banner, to be watched by Brainiac as he experiments on them.
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The heroes have no idea why they're there, and they have lost all of their powers. Which probably isn't an issue for Batman.
The new stories for Convergence will wrap up loose ends all over the place and continue to have ripples outside of the Convergence event. What that means is that the events that happen in the miniseries will continue to effect the world of DC long after it's over.
The line will contain artistic teams revisiting favorite story lines, epic crossover battles that could only happen in a contained world removed from the normal ebb and flow of reality. Expect to see heroes fall and new ones rise.
It seems that there will be a little something for everyone during the event and what the universe is left after it's over is sure to be a shocker.
Convergence starts next month. During this time, the regular DC books will be going on hiatus. Watch the video with Didio below.