'Final Fantasy Record Keeper' Releases On US App Store: iOS Game Offers Fan-Favorite Characters Across Entire Series

At Last, 'Final Fantasy: Record Keeper' Lands On The US App Store

Players can at last relive the adventures with some of their favorite characters from across the Final Fantasy series with the new F2P app, Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

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The retro-inspired title is now available on the App Store. Players can mix and match characters from Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII and X, with more adventures and dungeons planned for future release. Want Cloud to team with up Cecil? You can make that happen. Or Tidus and Kefka to go toe-to-toe? That works, too.

While it almost sounds like it should be a MOBA, Record Keeper is a somewhat more traditional turn based combat mechanic featuring the Active Time Battle system. "Players battle their way through the most epic Final Fantasy moments, woven together for the first time on mobile with an all-new tale. Featuring skill-based interactive gameplay, players plan attacks, carefully choose tactics, and engage enemies in active time battles."

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What intrigues me most is how the story is presented. The game is focused around a series of records (and its keeper, that's you). It basically takes all the disparate games from the series and connects them into some overarching metaverse, like The Dark Tower only slightly less crazy.

"In a glorious kingdom that thrives on the harmony between magic and art, epic tales of valor and hope have been passed from one generation to the next. The records of these great chronicles uphold the peace and prosperity of all civilization. The kingdom sealed these records inside paintings, to safeguard the balance of the world." That is, until they start disappearing...

The App Store has been experiencing some technical difficulties recently, so if the game doesn't appear on your phone's version, you can download it via the desktop version. Be patient, it will hopefully be sorted out quickly.

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