League Of Angels Fire Raiders Releases In March On iOS And Android Platforms

Because You Can Never Have Too Many Scantily Clad Animated Women, League Of Angels - Fire Raiders Hits Mobile In March

The extremely popular, somewhat thieving and strangely addictive turn based browser MMORPG League of Angels is coming to mobile devices as League of Angels - Fire Raiders, where it stands a very good shot of becoming one of the highest rated apps on the market.

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The card game hopes to "change the way mobile games are" paid - played. The same basic 'watch how the game plays with itself' mechanic is in effect again, although now you have a little more control over your initial choices. But you really should choose wisely, as the introduction video tells us, who you pick as your hero and angel IS VERY IMPORTANT.

In addition to your forward thinking, you'll also need to focus on your quick wits and not fall into familiar patterns. Combos are king in Fire Raiders and the only way to bring down some of the tougher bosses.

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Assuming you don't just buy your way out of the situation, of course.

Heading over to the official League of Angels site, I can't help but notice that this "dark" angel looks an awful lot like Kerrigan from Starcraft. This has been a complaint leveled against the browser based version of the game for some time, with one small thread on the WoW forums that mentions some of the more egregious examples of plagiarism.

But who is to say how Fire Raiders will turn out. Perhaps mobile is precisely what they need, perhaps their "over 220 million" players have given them enough money to get some great artists and designers in there. I suppose we'll find out this March when League of Angels - Fire Raiders comes to both iOS and Android. The game is currently in Beta for both platforms in Philippines and Canada.

Watch the trailer below. Visit the official Fire Raiders site.

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