Halo Championship Series Season 1 Finals Prize Pool Doubled, New Rules For Replaying Matches Announced

Halo Championship Series Season 1 Finals Prize Pool Doubled, New Rules For Replaying Matches Announced

Big news for the competitive Halo community: the organizers of the game's official eSports circuit have doubled the prize pool for the Season 1 Finals.

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343 announced today on Halo Waypoint that the $50,000 prize pool for the first year's championship tournament has been bumped up to $100,000. That pool is split between the top tier of teams, with the first place squad taking the lion's share, so the new amount is a lot more per player.

Furthermore, the organizers have finally made changes to the way interrupted games will be handled. There's no LAN for The Master Chief Collection, meaning Halo 2 Anniversary games during tournaments disconnect or experience issues in the middle of a match fairly frequently. In the past events, the officials had been replaying disconnected the game from a fresh score, potentially ruining a several point lead one team had built up prior to the drop.

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After much discussion and many requests for changes by players, the officials will now reset the game with the scores in tact. Here are the new changes:

- For Capture the Flag matches and Assault matches, the exact score will be taken from the time of the interruption. For example, if a team is leading a match 4-0 and there is a match interruption, the match will be replayed with an aggregate or "understood" score of 4-0, rather than a full 0-0 restart.

- For Team Slayer matches, the exact score will be taken from the time of the interruption. For example, if a team is leading a match 35-30 and there is a match interruption, the match will be replayed with an aggregate or "understood" score of 35-30, rather than a full 0-0 restart.

- For Oddball and King of the Hill, the match will be replayed with both team scores rounding down to the nearest 5 point increment. For example, if a team is leading 118-63 at the time of interruption, the match will be replayed with an aggregate or "understood" score of 115-60.

The finals are set for an unspecified date in March, with more online tournaments and one more LAN event to take place before then.

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