Boom Beach Dr Terror Schedule Adjusted To Lessen Server Strain; Find Out When He Arrives In Your Area

Boom Beach: Dr. Terror's Weekly Appointment Will Be Adjusted Starting This Week, Find Out How This Affects You

Dr. Terror, everyone's favorite mad scientist in Boom Beach, has a very full schedule and as such, he needs to change the hour of his appointment slightly.

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Supercell has announced today that the lower level version of the Dr. Terror event every Wednesday will now have a staggered starting period depending on where you are located. The idea is that there are a lot of lower level people in the game and as such, are more likely to gain access to the Dr. Terror event. This results in an increased server load and an inevitable slowdown or glitch in service.

Naturally, Supercell does not want that so beginning today (or tomorrow, depending), the company will be making the following adjustments to Dr. Terror's house appointments. He arrives promptly at 12:00 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time.

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2h sooner: Japan, Korea, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia
1h sooner: China
No change: United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico
1h later: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, Italy
2h later: Everywhere else

Note, this does not affect the Saturday invasion, which is relegated only for the higher level players.

If you still have not had the wonderful luck of encountering the madman himself, you can unlock Dr. Terror events by defeating Lt. Hammerman's first level 10 base near your archipelago. He will then appear every Wednesday until such time as you beat Hammerman's level 20 base, at which point DT will only arrive on Saturday to ruin your day off.

Good hunting out there, folks.

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