LyteShot Kickstarter Begins: Innovative Platform Looks To Take Mobile Gaming ARGs To Next Level

LyteShot Kickstarter Begins: Innovative Peripheral Looks To Take Mobile Gaming ARGs To Next Level

LyteShot Inc. has today launched the Kickstarter campaign for their LyteShot platform, a mobile gaming platform that will be used to take iOS and Android mobile games out into the real world.

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The platform consists of a couple of items- a receiver (that is worn by ever player) and the Lyter handheld device. This device is completely customizable with a series of peripherals that allow you to turn it into a gun, sword, want, staff, or anything else, using 3D printed designs. Think of it as a really high-tech version of Laser Tag and you have just an inkling of what they're going to try with this.

Some of the games they are previewing include Besieged, a medieval fantasy game that sees players fighting in teams to control zones while playing as various character classes (warrior, wizard, ranger). You'll earn experience points and level you your character the more you play, gaining you new abilities.

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Another game in the works is called Invasion, from the creators of Humans vs Zombies. Invasion will be a co-op game that sees players fighting against AI-controlled threats, where players have to move to certain locations and work together to defeat a threat, all the while one commander sends out strategic decisions.

On top of that they're developing a HUD for the platform, which will let you use smart glasses (Google Glass, Epson Moverio, etc.) as the main platform and not have to worry about looking down at a phone.

So as you can see, it's got a ton of major implications for mobile game, and in particuarly those who love the idea of making it a more social activity. LARPers would certainly eat this up.

"LyteShot is exactly what I always envisioned mobile gaming should be, and with the advancements in technology we are now able to bring true augmented reality to players unlike any system before it," said co-founder and CTO Tom Ketola, a 20-year veteran of the video game industry.

As with most Kickstarter projects there's a ton of different backer levels you can participate in that gives you various awards, from backer updates and a thank you for $5, to $150 for the Lyter & Lytepuck set, all the way to $5,000, which will give you a private helicopter game, overnight stay in Chicago and lunch with the creators.

They're asking for $168,534 to fund it. Head on over to their Kickstarter page for more!

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