Today in Skyrim: Rapping Nords, Dovahbears and The Best Koala to the Max Timewaster Ever

As legend foretold, the Dovahbear has returned! Actually, it's the sequel to Bowz' original animated short, "Bear." The concept of Dovahbear is just as hilariously simple: the original Bear has landed, has a new helmet and goes about his adventures through Skyrim, gets addicted to the ol' honey mead and manages to out-shout a dragon

On the more lyrical end, The Dova Dovahkinman (aka Rawn) leads a trio of folk that drop bombs like Alduin drops flamings balls of death upon you. Stick around for the special, vaguely sexual but much more terrifying rhymes dropped by Aela the Companion:

If the track gets stuck in your head--which it will, trust us--then head over to iTunes to spend a $1 on the dovahkinman dova dovakinman. Darn, it's already stuck in there. Finally, there's nothing like following up a bear and Nordic gangster rap than making you play a Skyrim-themed version of Koalas to the Max.

via: Kotaku, Laughing Squid

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