American Horror Story Spoilers: Stanley’s Role In The Show Revealed- Is He A Freak As Well?

Stanley Has More In Common With Freaks Than You'd Think in American Horror Story

Stanley is probably the most normal character on all of American Horror Story: Freak Show, or is he? The con artist played by Denis O'Hare has more secrets than just his plans to dismember and/or kill the freaks. In fact, he may be one of them.

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Stanley is about as normal as they come in the world of Freak Show. Considering the other end of the spectrum involves people with lobster hands and very tiny women. Ignoring Stanley's dastardly plans, he's just a normal guy, right?

Wrong, Design and Trend has released portions of interview that the actor did with the Toronto Sun in which Stanely's role in the show is revealed. O'Hare said, "He's the engine of the season, because what he's doing is setting everything into motion, with his attempts to co-opt, murder, corral and change, weaving this spell around different people."

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But even so, the man behind the scenes has a little secret. We've touched on it before but Stanley is very well endowed. This isn't a gag, this is part of the subtle message of the entire show. The fact of the matter is that, according to O'Hare, what is commonly looked on as a gift is actually a burden and a secret one at that.

It plays on the fact that everyone in the show is, in their own way, a freak of some sort. Some of them can't hide it all, like Pepper, but others carry their freak flag inside like Del, secret homosexual in 1950, Dandy, or even Stanley. It calls into question who is really the freak, Lobster boy or the guy hiding his true nature?

American Horror Story: Freak Show returns on January 7, 2015.

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