GameFly to Publish Mobile Games and Launch Game Store for Android

Video game service GameFly will begin publishing mobile games for both the iOS and Android operating systems, and will also launch the GameFly GameStore for Android in the fall.

GameFly co-founder Sean Spector said of the new move, "GameFly is dedicated to giving consumers the best user experience possible, and to be their single destination for console, PC and mobile gaming needs. We plan to be a leading player in mobile games by launching our retail GameStore for Android and helping to fund mobile developers of all sizes to publish, promote and sell their smartphone and tablet games."

The fund Spector speaks of is one seemingly reserved with independent game developers in mind, the press release declaring it as a "game development fun to work with mobile developers that are in the process of making a great game, but need the extra resources to publish and promote their titles." GameFly is currently accepting submissions from said developers, and hopes to have its first game out this summer.

The GameFly GameStore will be available to Android in time for the holidays. 

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