Nintendo amiibos Discontinued? Certain Figures Will Not Be Reissued After Selling Out

Expect To See Some amiibos Disappear As Nintendo Discontinues Line

This is a lesson in why you should buy things when you see them instead of waiting. Nintendo has confirmed that certain amiibos will be discontinued and no more of those lines will be shipped. The old adage of wait until later when shopping does not hold true for geek stuff. Whatever it is will be discontinued and the price will just shoot up.

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Wired reports that Nintendo planned for the shortage of figurines. Popular ones would always be available, like Mario and Link but others would just sort of fade into the ether, such as the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer.

Then there are figures like Marth. Marth isn't a popular game character in the sense of his own franchise (Fire Emblem) however, Super Smash Bros players love that guy. So it seems the metric that they're using to decide who stays and who goes is based on individual games that the characters hail from, not necessarily how fans react to the characters in other games they show up in.

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This is of course causing major inflation in the market. The figures that sold for $12.99 a piece are now showing up for $70. When the official list of which amiibos are cut is released, you can expect these prices to rise.

The lesson here is simple, get them while the getting is good. Certain content can only be accessed with amibos so even if you don't really use a character, if you want to get 100% completion then it's best to purchase them now then be sorry later.

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