Tips on “Green” Gaming

With electric and hybrid vehicles being produced more than ever, and concerns of the effects of Global Warming, numerous people all over the world are transforming their habits and making gradual strides in attempt to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Even Gaming companies have made efforts to "go green" in the midst of environmental concerns. In 2010, for example, Ubisoft announced that they would cease with traditional paper instruction manuals for their Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 releases, and replace them with on-disc digital manuals. The PC gaming industry have been using environmentally friendly DVD cases for their games, Microsoft and Nintendo are using game cases that are 20% lighter and have less plastic and Sony's PS3 slim design uses 34% less power than the original PS3. The reduction of plastic not only benefits the environment, but saves companies a ton of money. 

Did you know that the Nintendo Wii is the greenest video game console? According to, a 2008 study by the National Resources Defense Council stated that the Wii uses one-seventh of the power of a PS3 or Xbox. 

For the gamers out there who wish to lower their carbon footprint, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Unplug your console when it's not in use

Yep, that's right--your electronics are still sucking the energy out of the wall, even if they are turned off. Did you know that an Xbox or Playstation 3 left on 24/7, every day, uses as much energy as two fridges? How about that video game systems consume 16 billion kilowatt-hours annually, which is about the same amount of electricity to power San Diego for a year? ( So, if you have a tendency to leave your game on, overnight, save it, shut down, and continue later.

Use rechargeable batteries

Instead of throwing out your batteries so often, why not use rechargaeable batteries in your wireless controllers and/or mouse, instead? It will last you a much longer time and also help eliminate the hazardous disposal of batteries.

Download or Rent

Although purchasing a hardcopy of a brand new game is always exciting, how about downloading or renting games every now and then? Once you're done playing, if it's rented, you can simply turn it in and rent a new one.

Trade in or Recycle

There's nothing like the feeling of accomplishment when you complete a game. However, when you're done playing "Max Payne 3," don't dump it and let it end up in a landfill! Sell it, or trade it in for another game or even store credit. Exercise the power of recycling; this tactic goes for game boxes and books, as well (unless you're collecting them). Remember: Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Happy "Green" Gaming!

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