All New Miracleman Annual 1: Classic Super Hero Returns In Lost Grant Morrison Tale [COMIC PREVIEW]

Grant Morrison’s Lost Miracleman Comic to See Light

2014 is going out with a blast! New Year's Eve will see the long awaited release of brand new Miracleman stories with Miracleman Annual #1, This is the first time that Grant Morrison's long awaited story will see the light. First penned 20 years ago, the script is finally going to be published with Joe Quesada as artist.

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Miracleman, formally known as Marvelman, is the British version of Captain Marvel, an American superhero. He was originally created in 1954 and saw a solid comic run until 1963. There he went dormant as a character, until 1982 when Alan Moore got ahold of him and in true Alan Moore fashion, rebooted him in a dark and sad world. The Morrison story probably won't make you want to slit your wrists in despair as it focuses on Kid Miracleman before the Battle of London, but it is still full of its own powerful moments.

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After you're done with that tale Peter Miligan and Mike Alfred, creators of X-Statix, are waiting to take you on journey reliving the good old days of Miracleman with an original story that captures the classic feel. The team will take on Dr. Gargunza in a no holds barred battle to the finish.  

The comic is set to release alongside S.H.I.E.L.D on New Year's Eve. These will be the very last books to come out from Marvel for the 2014 year. The book will release through digital and print on December 31, 2014 to help ring out the old year and welcome the new.

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