Behold The New Portable Xbook Duo! The Xbox One And Xbox 360 Combined In One System From EdsJunk; Learn To Make Your Own! [VIDEO]

Gamers, Behold! The Xbook Duo, The All In One Xbox 360 And Xbox One Portable System, Lives!

Ed Zarick is back. The man who brought us the portable Xbox One and PlayStation 4 systems has returned yet again for his latest project: the XBOOK DUO!

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We can all agree that the worst thing about the current digital generation of games is the lack of backwards compatibility between current and last gen (and the one before that). Certain games work, but the inherent architecture makes it unwieldy and costly. Enter Zarick, engineering wunderkind. Now you can take your Xbox One and Xbox 360 with you wherever you go and easily switch back and forth between the two.

That's the idea behind Zarick's latest creation. The XBOOK DUO is a proof of concept mish-mash of Microsoft's systems. Built with the same techniques and knowhow of Zarick's previous efforts, he's managed to seamlessly blend the two consoles into one easy, if somewhat heavy, portable container. Sadly, the XBOOK DUO is not for sale. We hope he changes his mind, though! We really love these things.

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He did, however, post his workflow so now, assuming you possess the chutzpah and knowhow, you can build one of these bad boys yourself. You can check it out below.

Onto the specifics: "The whole thing only requires one cord. The xbox power supply is also installed internally and is able to power both XBOXs, but only one at a time, which is all you would use anyway."

"The HDMI outputs from the two xboxs run into a smart HDMI switcher that automatically switches to the active input. The HDMI then comes out of the switcher into a splitter that allows you to use the built in 22″ Vizio 1080p LED LCD monitor, or to the HDMI output on the back of the unit to play on the big TV at home." Overheating has not been an issue, either.

Ed notes that you still need both a 360 and One controller to play either.

And if we do say so ourselves, the whole container is sleek, dare I say 'sexy' even. Ed decked the white box out in custom graphic decals that work with the green power light.

I know, I know, you can't purchase one. However, you can pick up the original XBOOK One and the PLAYBOOK 4, which offer a portable Xbox One and PS4. You just have to email, put down a significant down payment, and Ed will get you on the undoubtedly very, very, very long list of people who are asking for one. Mr. Zarick, at what point is it okay to quit your day job?

And do you need a hand?

Check out how to make your own below!

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