World Of Warcraft Level 90 Guides Updated With Patch 6.0.2 Changes: Jump Right In With Fully Geared Character [VIDEOS]

New To Level 90? World Of Warcraft Crash Course Guides Get You Up And Running In Azeroth

The upcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion to World of Warcraft promises to radically change the world of Azeroth. Blizzard hopes that both new and old players will make their way to the world. Not only will all previous expansions be made available for free, but players can also now boost their characters to level 90, the highest maximum level currently in the game.

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Sounds great, right? Of course, but for newcomers, it's the equivalent of getting your driver's license and then immediately being thrown into the Indy 500. Sure, it's 'driving' but the chances are high that you are going to crash and burn. Even experienced players who have stepped away from the game for a few years (like yours truly) will return to find Azeroth a distinctively different experience.

To ease the transition, Blizzard has updated the level 90 guides for all eleven of the game's classes, to better match the new changes in the 6.0.2 patch. The video guides focus on one of the three specializations for each, zoning in on the DPS spec in particular. DPS, if I must say, is the easiest for newcomers, and even veterans, to handle. After all, you certainly do not want a newly minted level 90 assuming healing or tanking duties for you.

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Now, I do not believe anyone is advocating that everyone just jump right in with the awesome armor and weapons, the full skills tree and just start tearing things up around Azeroth and Draenor. There are currently four expansions worth of exquisite content out there, raids, dungeons, quests and endless lands to explore. More than any other MMO, World of Warcraft is about just that: a WORLD. Blizzard has crafted one that you want to keep playing in for years and years. Go forth and explore it, you will be surprised.

But if you need a refresher and overview of the changes affecting your favorite class, then check out the videos!

Death Knight - Frost spec
Druid - Balance (Boomkin) spec
Paladin - Retribution (Ret) spec
Shaman - Elemental spec
Warlock - Destruction spec
Priest - Shadow spec; omg, dps priest...
Mage - Arcane spec
Monk - Windwalker spec
Rogue - Combat spec
Hunter - Survival spec

And you can watch the Arms Warrior spec below, because Warriors are the best. Read about the essentials with Boosting 101.

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