The best part of not having real life soldiers to use as cannon fodder in something like Clash of Clans is that you can better experiment with all sorts of bizarre unit make-ups without having those jerks in Geneva get all up on you. You want to swarm nothing but Goblins? Get down with your bad self!
How To Use The Lava Hound In Clash Of Clans
Today's Clash of Clans video, once again coming from Galadon of the Clash Of Clans Attacks Youtube page seeks to answer that fairly new question: what happens if we just rush Lava Hounds? Sure, it'll cost several hundred thousand Dark Elixir, but what's a price tag when there's fun to be had?
Galadon is joined by Peter17$, a man with...a distinct personality. He's not quite the anithesis of Galadon, and is amusing in his own right, but the act is a little too thick. Peter handles the finer arts of Lava Hound rushing. The final answer to the original question should not surprise you. After all, you can only have about 8 or 9 Lava Hounds in your army camp.
Clash Of Clans BARCH Attack Strategy
It's a hell of a fight though. Those flying dogs sure know how to take a beating. It's fun to watch, and as with most "fails?", it's much better when it's happening to someone else.
Peter17$ then goes and wipes the board with a combination Lava Hound / Valkyrie assault (LAVALK? Ooh, I think I came up with a new troop configuration.
You can watch the video below and get a good chuckle.