World Of Tanks Update 9.3 Introduces New Light Tanks, User Interfaces, Modified Vehicles, HD Units And So Much More [VIDEO]

World Of Tanks Patch 9.3: New Tanks, New HD Models, New UI, Maps, New Everything For Everyone!

Wargaming is getting ready to update World of Tanks with Patch 9.3. What do they have in store for one of the world's most popular free to play games? Let's have a look.

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The patch notes came by way of a video, narrated by World of Tanks designer Stanislaw Kargin aka, Vader. You can watch the full video below or here on the Wargaming site. We'll head through the major notes in order. First up, there have been several HD upgrades to various tanks. The IS-7, T-34, I 52, M5 Stuart and the Panther. Apologies, the translation and close captioning are a bit hard to understand.

The American M 24 Chaffee has been rebalanced, while the KV 1S tank has been remade entirely into two new tanks, both of which will be in HD. The KV Tier 5 KV 1S, and the Tier 6 KV 85. The 85 will be most similar to the KV 1S, but will pack a higher punch.

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Old tanks are old. Wargaming is also bringing some new firepower to the battlefield. Update 9.3 will introduce several new light tanks into the mix. The Soviet T 54 Light will be perfect for those of you who like the original T 54 but want to scout a little more. The American T 49 carries a 152 mm cannon, and with its own great mobility and speed, the company predicts it will be a fan favorite. The German RU 251 has been in development a long time and is "capable of causing a hurricane in the enemy rear and fulfilling its mission as a top tier scout."

Don't worry, all the Light Tanks (LT) will be full HD.

With the advent of new LTs, Wargaming has also gone back and remade some of the older models. The M5 Stuart and M5 Chaffee. The Chaffee has gotten a significant speed boost and can top off at 70 kph now.

The parameters for certain tanks have also changed. The T 57 heavy will see its role subtly changed to accommodate more close quarter combat, where it can deal out a lot of damage. Aim time and bloom have been increased slightly to account for the new changes.

The American T 92, the top tier, was also improved with some new mobility. It will play the same, but be faster. All three top Soviet medium tanks have been reworked as well, such as the Object 430 has been given the ability to rush due to its high armor.

Several maps have been reworked. The 'magic forest' in the Murovanka map has been tweaked, the spawn points should be a little more symmetrical now which should reduce the amount of player and developer grumbling. The map is also much bigger and roomier now.

Additionally, the Garage UI, such as header bar, chat window and battle selection window are getting updated.

New explosion effects, like exploding ammo racks, are being introduced to add more visceral oomph to the game.

Tankers have long called for it, and Wargaming has listened: the Tanking Bonus is coming to World of Tanks. Players can earn bonuses for shells that glance and ricochet off their armor, in an effort to promote the bigger, heavier guns. The bonus can account for up to "10% of experience per battle." Light tanks are not eligible.

Olexander Kurgan then subs in to talk about Strongholds, the newest battle style. Now, any structure can house up to 100 units, effectively eliminating the limit for attached players.

Check out the full video, which details more of the new changes coming to World of Tanks.

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