More Leaked Characters in Street Fighter X Tekken

Capcom's upcoming game Street Fighter X Tekken, scheduled to be released on March 6, leaked few of its characters, including some of the favorites that fans were longing for.

Akuma, Jin, and Ogre are among the new leaked characters this time. Gamer Gaia commented that the list is characters "that all fans of the games would wish to be in the game and will be glad to see them." Last month, Xiaoyu and M. Bison were leaked.

Street Fighter X Tekken, announced back in 2010, will be released next month for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC, and Playstation Vita. The game brings mixture of characters from both Street Fighter and Tekken but will be played in a 2D axis, similar to that of the Street Fighter.

Namco is developing its own game titled Tekken X Street Fighter, which employs a Tekken-style 3D gameplay. The release date for Tekken X Street Fighter is yet to be announced.

Check out screenshots of the newest leaked characters along with other familiar fighters.

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