'Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game' Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV Released, Is Massive, Amazing [IMAGES]

'Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game' Rebel Blockade Runner Released

Those Corellians may have an odd sense of commending their soldiers, but you cannot doubt that they make some pretty hardy starships. Fantasy Flight Games, purveyors of tabletop madness and little, tiny pieces, has announced a new expansion pack for their massively popular (and massively fun) Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game, the Tantive IV.

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For the two of you that don't know, the Tantive IV is the Rebel's blockade runner that Leia is using to flee from the Empire after stealing the technical data to the Death Star. It is, quite literally, the first thing we see in Episode IV right after the opening scrawl.

From the Fantasy Flight website:

"The Tantive IV Expansion Pack features one detailed, eye-catching Corellian CR90 Corvette miniature. This huge starship is so massive that it is divided into two sections, fore and aft, both of which have their own corresponding ship and damage cards. You'll also find twenty-four new upgrades, a new maneuver template, and a new range ruler that allows the CR90 to fire its primary weapon at Range 5."

Two sections! Your puny little TIE Fighters (how I hate those things!) are like the buzzing of flies to the Tantive IV!

X-Wing Expansion Rebel Frigate Released

In addition to introducing the frigate, the expansion will also release a host of new material, including a new campaign called The Point of No Return, which is a 6-act storyline focused around the attempts of the CR90 to escape the Imperial blockade.

The Star Wars X-Wing Miniature game is a brilliant and fun and now, ever evolving tabletop experience. The introduction of the Tantive IV, along with other heavy frigates, has forced Fantasy Flight to change up the rules slightly to accommodate the ships' massive bulk. Yet the game remains unbroken, simply reimagined to fit the new ideas. The Tantive IV should play well alongside your TIE Fighters and X-Wings, and any other of the many ships available for the game.

The Tantive IV is currently out of stock, because of course it is, and retails for $89.95. Answer the call. Join the Rebel Alliance today!

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