'World of Warplanes' Bombards Us With New Flight Academy Tutorial: Learn Ground Attack Advantages [VIDEO]

World of Warplanes Bombards Us With New Flight Academy Tutorial

Wargaming, the wildly successful MMO developer, has the market locked on warfare. They control the ground, they control the seas and they definitely control the skies, as the latest installment in their Flight Academy training series for their hit MMO game World of Warplanes demonstrates. The video outlines some of the maneuvers and strategies one should exploit, as well as concealment tactics (hide in the clouds...?), superiority in numbers and, though never spoken, how awesome it is to fly planes.

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"This detailed tutorial tells about ground attack aircraft, the most controversial type of warfare in World of Warplanes, and explains how many advantage points pilots can get by hitting different types of targets, while focusing on the most effective ways to score those points in order to reach air dominance. The guide also delves into the ins-and-outs of concealment tactics and the mechanics that will affect the supremacy meter, which can make a difference in the midst of battle."

New players, like myself, should take note. There is a whole host of videos in Wargaming's Flight School series which give solid foundation to new players and allow vets to brush up on some of the rules that could be the difference between air dominance and defeat. The depth and attention to detail put into these games, all of which are free-to-play, is astounding. Watching the video, I heard the words, understood what they mean in an out-of-context way but had no idea how they applied to the game. I must play these games.

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You can channel your inner Maverick at worldofwarplanes.com, but be sure to bone up on the tutorial video below!

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