'Batman Versus Superman' Title Revealed: Justice Will Dawn on Epic DC Comic Cross-Over

Batman Versus Superman Title Revealed

It is official. The next Superman movie, or Batman movie, whichever you prefer has a title:

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman: Arkham Knight First Gameplay Trailer

The sound you hear is the chirping of crickets. It is an unwieldy mess of a subtitle, created not by seasoned professionals, but by a time-teleported thirteen year old from the 90s who reads entirely far too many Image Comics. What more do you need to sell a movie than the very thought of Batman throwing down with Superman? Not to mention, this is actually a sequel to Man of Steel, which stars Superman. Getting seconded billing on your own sequel? That's cold as ice, Warner Bros.

Much like the subtitle for Captain America: The First Avenger, this feels like a shameless and mostly terrible attempt at getting people to anticipate the inevitable Justice League movie that DC is going to ram down our throats. At least with the first Cap, we already had some sense of what the Avengers were, due to careful brand management across the previous Marvel films. Go out and ask your average (read: not someone who reads GameNGuide) person who the Justice League are and I bet you will be met with many blank stares.

It's not like anybody will be telling their friends, 'Hey man, you want to go see Dawn of Justice with me?' Hell no. It's always going to be 'Hey man, let's go see Batman v Superman!'

Batman: Arkham Knight Batmobile Revealed

Zak Snyder is directing the sequel-boot, with Ben Affleck in the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman and Henry Cavill reprising his role as the city-destroying, uncaring alien Clark Kent/Superman which will be hitting theaters on May 6, 2016.

Until then, it is going to be a very long night...until Dawn!

Watch the Man of Steel trailer and forget about watching the movie!

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