The Evil Within Prequel Comic Set to Explain and Expand Game's Plot and Premise

The Evil Within Comic Drops Alongside Game This August

Bethesda's The Evil Within from Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami raised a lot of eyebrows with the first gameplay trailer, and even more questions: Where or when is this? "Did that guy have a mirror for a face? One minute there's a field of flowers, the next, a creature with a box for a head is beating a man with a meat...hammer...axe? What fresh hell IS this?"

I do love me a good backstory to flesh out The Evil Within before its promptly ripped apart by barbed wire, and it looks like that'll be coming alongside the game in the form of a four part comic book series.

While the game leads players down the twisted, bloody road with Detective Sebastian Castellanos mass murder investigation at an insane asylum (worst...Monday...ever), the comic will set the stage for the events to come, and if the cover is any indication, maybe we'll find out if 'ol boxy has the stuff to show up Silent Hill's Pyramid Head, or if he's just some bogus manifestation, ala Konami rationale.

Taking place before the events of the game, the comic introduces a character yet to be brought up in any of Bethesda's pressers thus far. Describes a release from the comic's publisher, "Writer Ian Edginton and artist Alex Sanchez present the story of a young student, Dana, whose search for a missing friend leads straight into a world fraught with tension and unimaginable horrors."

While little is known about The Evil Within's story, fans anticipating the game can rest easy that Edginton and Sanchez are the right pair to ensure the game's credibility in this medium. Edginton has an excellent amount of horror comic experience, having penned issues for Dark Horse's Aliens and Predator, Marvel's Blade, Vampirella, and more, while Sanchez worked on Tales of the Vampires and 30 Days of Night before returning to DC Comics, where he currently works on Katana.

The comic's first issue drops one day after the game does, August 27.

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