(Photo : Keen Games GmbH / Screenshot taken from Steam)
One of the more distinct features in "Enshrouded" is the availability of craftspeople that help players with various mechanics in the game, including the Bard.
This particular NPC specializes in entertainment and helps players unlock a variety of instruments that can be played. All of these will liven up the atmosphere and make your journeys feel a lot more fresh and exciting.
This guide helps players learn where to find the Bard in "Enshrouded and how to unlock her to become one of their craftspeople. Look through and see whether you have progressed far enough to access this feature of the game.
How To Access the Bard
In order to meet with the Bard in "Enshrouded" and get a chance to unlock her as one of your craftspeople, you need to reach level 12 and take on the quest "Follow the Melody." To get this mission, you also need to unlock the "Revelwood Ancient Spire," according to Game Rant.
The Bard is found within the Ancient Vault, which is located deep within the Blackmire, which is a region that was designed for players level 13 to 15. It is highly recommended that you have proper gear and an upgraded glider before daring to journey through this area.
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How To Unlock the Bard
The first thing you need to get to the Bard is to activate a number of switches that are hidden within the Ancient Vault's vicinity. The Double Jump skill from the Survivor tree makes this part a lot easier.
The first switch is in the large ruins that are directly south of the Ancient Vault building, which can be reached by either gliding from the Blackmire spire or following the regular path below it. You can get to the second switch by dropping down and following the roots of the tree to the next building, Sportskeeda said.
You can find a trampoline at the end of the path at the building that you can use to get to the top, where the second switch is located. The third switch is inside another ruined building that is in line with the quest marker on the map.
The switch is, once again, found at the top of the building and can be reached easily with the Double Jump skill.
Useful Bard Equipment
After unlocking the Bard in "Enshrouded," you get access to a variety of useful items, including the Medium Backpack, Large Backpack, and many decorative objects. The two backpacks give +16 and +24 inventory slots, respectively.
In order to craft the backpacks, the Bard must be sheltered, and you need five Leather and five Linen for the medium and six Reptile Leather and six Linen for the large one. The Bard also lets players craft the Explorer cosmetic armor set that looks quite dashing, according to IGN.
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