'Valheim' Resource Guide: How To Get Silver To Craft Powerful Gear

'Valheim' Resource Guide: How To Get Silver To Craft Powerful Gear

'Valheim' Resource Guide: How To Get Silver To Craft Powerful Gear
This resource guide for Valheim teaches players how to find silver ore reliably to craft a variety of powerful equipment.
(Photo : Iron Gate AB / Screenshot taken from Steam)

There are a ton of different materials and resources that players can find and gather in "Valheim," including silver, which is used to craft a variety of powerful equipment.

Developer Iron Gate AB has steadily been adding more content to its Viking-themed open-world survival crafter over the years since it was released in 2021. One of the mid-game resources that players will encounter is silver, which is primarily found in the mountain biome.

This guide teaches players how they can get silver in "Valheim" so they can start crafting their own powerful mountain-tier equipment, such as the Wolf Armor. Keep these tips and tricks in mind whenever you're out exploring the frozen highlands for this key resource.

How To Get Silver Ore

In "Valheim," players can find silver ore by mining silver veins that are scattered throughout the mountain biome. While there are some veins that are visible above the ground, more is usually hidden under the surface, according to Rock Paper Shotgun.

When you find silver veins, you need to have at least an Iron Pickaxe in order to damage them and mine silver ore. One useful tip for this is to mine all of the ground and stone surrounding the silver vein.

You need to clear everything that is touching the silver vein until it looks like it is floating in mid-air. After you do this, you can simply swing your Pickaxe at the silver vein, and it will crumble at once. This makes it easier to completely mine one of these nodes.

What To Use Silver On

After you get silver ore, you can finally smelt it into silver that can be used to craft a variety of recipes. To smelt the ore, you need a Smelter and each silver ore needs approximately two pieces of coal to be processed.

The main use for silver is the mountain-tier heavy armor, the Wolf Armor, but also for a variety of other recipes. The main benefit of this new equipment is that the chest piece and the cape both provide Frost resistance, which is very useful for the biome itself, Dual Shockers said.

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This is because exploring the mountain biome without any form of protection from the cold will reduce your stamina regeneration. It also makes it so that you receive constant damage until you leave the area, equip a Frost resistance item, or consume a Frost resistance mead.

There are many different weapons that you can craft using silver, such as the Silver Sword and the Frostner. The latter is useful because it has Frost as a secondary damage type, which slows down enemies that you hit.

When it comes to structures, silver is needed for an upgrade to the Cauldron, which lets you cook even better food.

Tips for Finding Silver Ore

One item that is highly recommended before trying to look for silver veins in the mountain biome is the Wishbone. This particular tool, which can be equipped, is received as a reward from the swamp boss, Bonemass.

The reason that this is useful is that when you wear it, it will ping depending on your character's proximity to hidden treasures. While this could be chests buried under the ground, it could also point you in the direction of silver veins that are not visible on the surface.

The faster the ping, the closer you are to hidden treasure and when it beats very quickly, you should mine in the area to try and uncover what lies beneath, according to Game Spot.

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