(Photo : PocketPair / Screenshot taken from Steam)
Developer PocketPair introduced raids in "Palworld" that are tough challenges featuring a boss Pal and the latest Feybreak update added Xenolord as the latest raid boss.
Xenolord is a Dragon and Dark type Pal that offers one of the most challenging fights in the game. One of the things that make this battle difficult is that the raid boss has an obscene amount of health, even in its base form.
To add to this, there is a time limit that players need to keep an eye out for, which adds pressure to try and defeat Xenolord as quickly as possible. This means that choosing the right Pals for the job is crucial to finishing in time.
This guide gives players some tips and tricks they should know about starting the Xenolord raid as well as how to defeat the boss itself. Do note that this particular battle is designed for high-level players and Pals.
How To Summon Xenolord
In order to start the Xenolord raid, you will have to go through a specific process, including getting your Technology level to 33. This is the level that you need to unlock the blueprint for the Summoning Altar, which is required for all raids in "Palworld," according to Screen Rant.
It is recommended to build a separate base for doing a raid, as the boss will most likely destroy everything in the vicinity when you fight it. To summon the Xenolord boss, you need the Xenolord Slab, which can be made using four Xenolodr Slab Fragments.
These are found by sending your Pals on expeditions to various dungeons located on Feybreak Island. The main thing about these slabs is that they are not guaranteed drops, so you will most likely have to send out more expeditions than needed to get the required amount.
Summoning the Xenolord raid boss requires you to craft the slab using the fragments and use the former on the Summon Altar. The first form you fight is the base form, and you can later choose to go against the Ultra version if you are confident.
How To Defeat Xenolord
The Xenolord raid boss has devastating damage potential that forces you to be wary of its attacks. It is highly recommended that you be at the highest possible level before taking on this powerful Pal.
The Rocket Launcher is a useful weapon as it can deal a ton of damage to Xenolord while also keeping you a safe distance from the boss. You should also try to wear a Hexolite Armor and Helmet to mitigate the damage that you receive.
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A more consistent weapon to use in this raid battle is the Laser Gatling Gun, as it can continuously chip away at the boss' massive health. Poison is also useful for damaging the boss over time.
The main Pal you should have can be a Frostallion, whose ice attacks are particularly effective against Xenolord. You can also mount it to fly around the battlefield and avoid the enemy's strong attacks.
Xenolord Information
After you defeat the boss, you can get the Huge Dark Egg that will hatch into your own Xenolord Pal. This Dark and Dragon type Pal has a base HP of 130, base attack and defense of 120 each, Sportskeeda said.
This Pal's partner skill is Meteor Wings, which lets you ride it as a flying mount with increased movement speed while in the air. The gear you need to ride this Pal is the Xenolord Saddle, which can be made using 30 Leather, 50 Dark Fragments, 30 Meteorite Fragments, and 200 Paldium Fragments.
The Xenolord raid was added with "Palworld's" Feybreak update, which also introduced a ton of new content for players to experience. One of these are Predator Pals, which are tough mini-bosses scattered throughout the world.
The Hexolite equipment that are recommended for the Xenolord raid were introduced in this new update. They require the new Hexolite Quartz that can be found in different areas of the map, according to Game Rant.
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