(Photo : Monolith Soft / Screenshot taken from official Nintendo website)
Players who dive into the world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are immediately placed in the world of Aionios in the middle of a massive, long war.
When you start the game, it seems to be straightforward but it soon becomes something complex in both narrative and gameplay. Battles in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are relatively flashy and intense. Your menus will also get new options as you progress through your adventure.
There are a lot to keep track of when playing this game. This is true if you are a newcomer to the franchise. This guide helps beginners with some tips and tricks to help them get started in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
Take it Slow
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a relatively slow-paced game, taking everything into consideration. The game introduces various mechanics at a steady pace. This lets players understand them before moving forward, according to Polygon.
This can sometimes make you feel like you have not progressed far enough as even when you are a few dozen hours into the game, you will still get a tutorial. Everything that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 introduces will build on or stack onto everything else you have been taught.
Accept that this is how the game flows and try to understand everything that it tries to teach you. You won't have to master it immediately but getting a good foundation will help you in the long run.
Make Use of Training Drills
In order to practice all of the various mechanics the game throws at you, you need some form of trial to get a feel for them. A perfect way to do this is by using Training Drills from the System menu and choosing the skill that you want to practice.
This lets you go into a miniature tutorial and allows you to repeatedly try out various skills to learn just how they work.
This is useful as new battle mechanics are usually introduced in the middle of a fight. The prompts and explanations are only shown once, which makes them difficult to master immediately.
Edit Shortcuts
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has some convenient shortcuts that you can make use of to make battles or other things go by faster. You can hold the ZL button to see what shortcuts are linked to your face buttons, IGN said.
If you do not like the default settings of the shortcuts, you can edit them by holding the ZL button and pressing Start. You will then see all of the shortcut possibilities that you can bind to your face buttons.
Master the Art of Canceling Attacks
The game has a feature that lets players cancel their own attacks. While this may sound counterintuitive, it is useful when you are facing off against a lot of enemies.
In order to cancel an auto-attack, you should choose an Art immediately after the auto-attack ends. If you are able to time it perfectly, you will cancel your auto-attack into the Art. This reduces the length of the animation needed to transition between the two.
After your Art finishes, you should choose your Talent Art, if it is ready to use. Timing this just right will also let you cancel the Art and transition smoothly into Talent Art. Later on in the game, you can also cancel your Talent Art into Fusion Art, according to The Gamer.
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