(Photo : Hello Games / Screenshot taken from Steam)
There are a lot of different resources in No Man's Sky that players have to learn about if they want to master the game.
Hello Games introduced its own periodic table of elements that some people find as expansive as the universe that it is featured in. There are also a variety of components, trade goods, and other items that you need to keep tabs on.
This depth of resources can sometimes overwhelm new No Man's Sky players in trying to understand everything that is going on at once. This guide aims to help newcomers understand the basic resources in the game.
This article talks about the resources that you can encounter when you first start out in No Man's Sky. It also shows you the things that you can use these resources for to make your progression in the game a little bit easier.
Different Types of Resources
While the majority of resources in No Man's Sky are elements, there are also others that are completely different. There are five types of elements; Oxide, Isotope, Silicate, Neutral, and Precious, according to Polygon.
Other than these elements, the game has Technology Component, Alloy, Energy Source, and Trade Commodity. Elements have different attributes that make them useful or dangerous in certain scenarios.
The other types of resources are generally stuff that you can farm or craft or even buy from stores across No Man's Sky's universe. It pays to understand all of these resources and what their uses are.
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Basic Resources & How To Get Them
Players consider some elements in the game to be the basic resources that players can get that have very useful traits in the early game. These are Carbon, Oxygen, Sodium, Di-Hydrogen, Ferrite Dust, and Tritium.
Carbon is found almost anywhere in No Man's Sky and can be mined from most plant life on any planet. It can be used to refuel your multitool's mining beam and many recipes for crafting, cooking, and refining, Push Square said.
Oxygen is found in some plants that can be gathered without mining and appear as small, bright red flora. The main use of this resource is for your life support system, which is something that you would probably like to be topped up most of the time.
Third is Sodium, which can be gathered from bright yellow flora that are also relatively abundant on most planets. Its primary use is to refuel your hazard protection as well as replenish your ship's shields.
Di-Hydrogen is found on the surface of nearly all planets in No Man's Sky and is seen as large spiky crystals that are bright blue in color. It is generally used to refuel your ship's launch thrusters that let it fly.
Ferrite Dust, on the other hand, is a resource you can find and gather from various minerals and rocks on planet surfaces. A lot of crafting recipes use this resource and it is also used in many refining recipes.
Last is Tritium, which can be found by shooting or mining asteroids while you are traveling around in the vastness of space. The pulse engine of your ship runs on this resource, which lets you travel at speed.
Gathering Resources
When you know what resources you need, the next step is actually gathering them to prepare for whatever you want to make. The main way of getting resources is by using your multitool, which is something that you can upgrade.
There are two particular upgrades that you need to consider when you want to make your multitool even better. These are scanning technology and the range of the pulse that your scanner sends out.
Taking advantage of these upgrades lets you gather more resources faster and more efficiently than ever before, according to Rock Paper Shotgun.
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