Raven Software deployed a relatively small update for Call of Duty: Warzone which brought some balancing adjustments to certain guns, including the Striker 9 and WSP Stinger.
Guns Nerfed
The Striker 9 is a submachine gun in Call of Duty: Warzone that received some noteworthy buffs a couple of months ago. It seems that a lot of players love this SMG for its sheer firepower, so much so that Raven Software had to step in and implement some nerfs because it has become too effective.
So, what changed in this update? Well, the Striker 9's horizontal recoil saw a substantial increase from 9.70deg/s to 16.17 deg/s. As if that is not bad enough, the gun's vertical recoil got nerfed heavily as well. Now, it is up from 40.65deg/s to 50.93deg/s.
What do those nerfs really mean? From now on, players can no longer press and hold the fire button if they want to land shots accurately. If anything, players should only utilize the gun sort of like in a burst fire mode where a few taps will do the trick.
If there is any consolation here, the hipfire spread while firing is reduced by 6%. This means that the Striker 9's bullets now stay contained in the middle when firing from the hip.
How about the WSP Stinger? This handgun has also been quite good lately. This fully-automatic handgun is capable of shredding enemies, provided that players equip it with the right attachments that is.
Having said that, the WSP Stinger's recoil gun kick has been increased massively from 31.05deg/s to 57.96deg/s. Just like the Striker 9, players might have to employ a new approach to using this particular weapon if they want to get the most out of it.
Read Also: Call of Duty: Warzone Players Say Controller Aim Assist 'Too OP' in Gulag
Estimated Match Time
A new label has been added when selecting a mode on the main menu which indicates the estimated match duration.
Armor and Ammunition Stowing
Armor and Ammunition will show the "Stow" prompt when the backpack is not full.
Armor and Ammunition will show the "Swap" prompt when the backpack is full.
Players can use the "Hold to Stow" function to swap items at any point, regardless if the stow prompt is visible.
Gas Station on Tac-Map
Players will only see gas stations on the Tac-Map when in a vehicle.
TAQ Evolvere
Increased movement speed to 5.1m/s, down from 4.4m/s.
Decreased rate of fire to 500rpm, down from 706rpm.
Increased target flinch to 0.8n, up from 0.5n.
Longbow (JAK Tyrant 762 Kit)
Decreased aim down sight time to 390ms, down from 470ms.
Added 30% hipfire spread reduction benefit.
Quick Fix (Health Regeneration)
Quick Fix will no longer regenerate health in the gas after replacing an Armor Plate.
Fixed an issue that prevented assists earned when other players kill a target from appearing in the SR breakdown.
Fixed an issue that showed an incorrect SR amount awarded for some SR Challenges.
Reminder: Players can complete the below challenges once per Season.
First Kill or Assist: +100 SR
10 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
25 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
50 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
100 Kills or Assists: +100 SR
Reach Top 8 Squad: +100 SR
Reach Top 5 Squad: +100 SR
Reach Top 3 Squad: +100 SR
Win a Match: +200 SR
Fixed an issue that prevented SR Challenges from displaying an in-game notification when completed.
So, what can you say about the recent nerfs made to the Striker 9 and WSP Stinger in Call of Duty: Warzone?
Related Article: Top Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Call of Duty: Warzone on PC