Top League of Legends Tips for Complete Beginners

Top League of Legends Tips for Complete Beginners

League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games out there today. With a diverse roster of champions and cutesy cosmetics, you are probably thinking of playing the game yourself. But before you do, read further to learn some top tips so that you are not going in blind.

Try Out Every Champion

Champions are the playable characters you can choose in League of Legends. They are grouped into several categories that define which role they are best suited for. Jax and Akshan, for example, are popular top-laners while Janna and Senna are amazing support Champions.

Since you are still starting out, you can play against AI so that you can try every champion available in the League of Legends roster. Find the best champion that suits your playstyle before you head into an actual match with other players.

Know Your Role

As mentioned earlier, there are several roles in the game. They are the Top, Jungle, Mid-lane, ADC, and Support. If you hop into the Summoner's Rift, you will find that there are multiple lanes on the map.

"Top" refers to champions that are best positioned at the top of the map. "Jungle" refers to a category of champions that are great for exploring the bushy areas. These areas contain monster camps that can be farmed for gold.

"Mid-lane" champions are those that are situated in the middle of the map. These champions are often ranged attackers who have abilities that can keep enemies at bay. This is considered the most important role in the game due to the sheer impact this champion has on every aspect of the Summoner's Rift.

Attack Damage Carries, more commonly known as "ADCs," are the stars of the show in the endgame. These champions are considered as such because of their sheer attack power that can destroy enemy towers and punish opposing teams, provided that they are able to get the right items, of course.

And lastly, the "Support" champions have abilities that aid allies in battle. For instance, Janna's "Eye of the Storm" not only shields an ally champion from turret fire, but it increases their attack damage as well.

Again, this all boils down to your playstyle. If you prefer supporting allies from the sidelines, then the Support champions are great for you. On the other hand, if you prefer to be in the frontlines, the ADC or mid-lane champions are more your cup of tea.

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Communicate with the Team

You might have heard about the League of Legends community being toxic and whatnot, but the key to winning games is actually to communicate with your team as frequently as you can.

Fortunately, you are not forced to do verbal communication if you don't want to. You can utilize the game's Smart Ping system to communicate with your team via visual alerts. Do you want to alert your team of an impending attack? Do you want to call your team and group up to kill Baron Nashor? Yes, you can use the ping system to do all of that!

Curb Toxicity

Every Ranked match in League of Legends will always have players lashing out whenever they lose. They might hurl insults at you or demean you in any way they can just to vent out.

Developer Riot Games has implemented some measures to help you curb toxicity. If you don't want to deal with such players, you can use the "/mute all" feature to prevent any of their messages from appearing on your screen.

If you are a complete beginner in League of Legends, just enjoy the experience. You can practice and use different kinds of champions before jumping into a real game. But more importantly, do not forget to have fun. After all, isn't that what games are supposed to be?

League of Legends is available on PC.

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