Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: How to Evolve Magmar Into the Formidable Magmortar

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: How to Evolve Magmar Into the Formidable Magmortar

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

(Photo : Nintendo)

Magmar is one of the returning Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet via the new Indigo Disk DLC. It can evolve into a more formidable fire Pokémon called Magmortar. If you are interested to know how to do it, do read further to learn more.

How to Get Magmar

If you are not familiar with Pokémon yet, Magmar is actually the evolved form of Magby. So to begin, you have to capture Magby at the Savanna Plaza located at the southeast corner of the Terarium. Magby is pretty easy to find because its naturally red-orange color makes it stand out. When you encounter Magby, all you have to do to capture it is to use a Quick Ball.

Once you have successfully captured a Magby, feed it some Rare Candy to raise its level. When it reaches an appropriate level, the cute Magby will turn into Magmar!

Read Also: A Bunch of Beloved Pokémon Has Returned in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's 'Indigo Disk' DLC

Time to Evolve

Now that you have Magmar in your possession, the next step is to evolve it into the fearsome Magmortar. To do that, you have to acquire an item called the "Magmarizer" first.

There are two ways to obtain the Magmarizer. You can get one for free via the Blueberry Pokédex by catching and registering 140 different Pokémon in the new area. Alternatively, you can purchase the Magmarizer in the School Store at the Blueberry Academy for 250 BP. You can get BP by completing Blueberry Quests.

Once you have acquired the Magmarizer, you have to use it on Magmar and then trade it to someone. Doing so will immediately evolve Magmar into Magmortar on the other player's end. Then, you just ask the person nicely to trade it back to you and that's it!

How to Trade

If you are new to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and you do not know how trading works in this game, do not worry, we have got you covered! Trading is actually quite easy.

What you are going to do is open up your main menu and then go to "Poké Portal" and then choose Link Trade. Then, select "Set Link Code" and type in "2014-2014." This is the universal code that players use to search for others who want to trade their Magmars holding Magmarizers for evolution.

Doing the above method is a lot safer since you are playing alone. The code was specifically created for the purpose of evolving Magmars into Magmortars. Of course, if you have friends playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you can trade with them instead.

Why Choose Magmortar?

Magmortar is a Fire Pokémon that can deal considerable amounts of damage. With abilities such as "Fire Blast" and "Hyper Beam," Magmortar can make quick work of the enemy! This Pokémon is so good that you can include it in your team whenever you are facing Crispin and the rest of the Blueberry League Elite Four!

Do you own a Magmar? If so, will you evolve it into Magmortar anytime soon?

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is available on Nintendo Switch.

Related Article: 'Pokemon Scarlet & Violet' Guide: Evolution Tricks that Are Expected to Arrive in the Game

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