A lot of PS5 controller drift fix guides out there beat around the bush so much, that you lose track of how to actually try to fix your controller's problem in the first place. Well, we don't want to do that. So let's get straight into a few tricks to try and fix your PS5 controller drift, so you can get back to gaming in no time.
Check our latest PS5 restock report for the US and UK buyers.
Easiest Things To Try First: Cleaning
To start with, we recommend that you just clean your controller (especially if you've had your PS5 for a while). PlayStation Lifestyle recommends that you focus on cleaning the analog sticks as carefully as possible. You can do this by not using any heavy-duty tool, but simpler, more gentle ones like a cotton bud or something similar.
Your focus will be the ball-like cap under the thumbsticks themselves. That's because those things can get all sticky with grime buildup from constant, heavy use. The risks are even more pronounced if you have a smoking habit, or if you regularly leave any food/drink close to your DualSense. Please be a dear and don't do that.
One you've cleaned the controller and its sticks still drift, you can move on to the next solution.
Try Resetting Your Controller
Another potentially great PS5 controller drift fix is also a simple one: resetting your controller entirely. To fully reset your controller, Digital Trends says you should press the hidden reset button located inside a tiny hole at the back of your controller. Use a paperclip's end or something equally small to get into the hole. Hold it for a few seconds, then connect your controller to your PS5 to see if the issue was fixed.
There's a chance that stick drift on your DualSense is a software issue, and resetting it could fix any problems. Sometimes, this PS5 controller drift fix trick is all you'll ever need.
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Tinker A Bit With The Problematic Stick
As shared by YouTuber Chad Reddings in a video, directly tinkering with the controller's thumbstick (without taking the entire thing apart) can also help. By tinkering, we mean lightly pressing the ball-like cover under the stick itself as you tilt it to one side. Here's a video demonstrating how to do just that (check from the :56 mark):
PS5 Controller Drift Fix Still Not Working?
If any of these PS5 controller drift fix options still didn't work for you, then your only logical choice is to bring it in for repairs. A skilled technician proficient in this kind of hardware is the only one standing between controller drift getting fixed and having it annoy you for a longer while.
Here's the latest report about the PS5 restock for March 28, 2022.
But if for some reason you can't bring it in for repairs ASAP, there is a small, temporary workaround: adjusting the PS5 controller's deadzone. The Gaming Setup defines the deadzone as the amount of movement your thumbstick can make before the game recognizes it. If your controller drifts, then adjusting the deadzone to lessen its sensitivity could help for a while until you can send your controller in for repairs.
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