PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Gets Massive Patch With 'Ultimate Update,' Out Now [VIDEO]

Ultimate Update Hits PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Includes Over 100 Changes

Ever since the PlayStation 4's launch, I pretty much forgot all about Sony's version of Smash Bros., PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, but Sony hasn't. The company released the "Ultimate Update" today, which offers a massive amount of character adjustments and changes to the game overall, all based on requests from the players.

The trailer below is more eye candy than anything. If it's hard information you're looking for, you can find the complete list of patch notes just after the video, courtesy of developer Sony Santa Monica.

Hope you brought your reading glasses:

- Isaac’s alternate “Engineering R.I.G.” costume and Zeus’ alternate “Young Zeus” costume have been unlocked.
- Every character’s throw attempts have been standardized to 9 startup frames, 3 active frames, and 18 recovery frames, with the exception of Isaac, Kat, and Ratchet.
- The minimum effective range of throws has been increased to 1 meter (previously 0.75m) for all characters except Parappa, Sackboy, and Toro.
- In online matches, jumping out of an opponent’s throw attempt is now resolved through the throw clash system.
- Every character’s air dodge has been standardized to 27 invincible frames followed by 9 vulnerable frames (previously 29 invincible plus 7 vulnerable).
- Every character’s directional rolls have been standardized to 18 invincible frames followed by 16 vulnerable frames, with the exception of Fat Princess, Spike, and Zeus.
- Characters can no longer perform actions for 3 frames after landing from air idle.
- Characters can no longer double jump during down tech.
- Landing during down tech or down tech canceled into air dodge now triggers the same recovery as landing during an attack.
- Getting hit in the air no longer renews a character’s double jump ability.
- All timed transformation Level 2 Supers can now be ended manually by pressing L2.
- The AP eject formula has been refined to drain a higher percentage of AP orbs at low levels and a lower percentage of AP orbs at high levels. (Previously, AP eject amounts were calculated using fixed percentages: 3/5/10% for items and 10/12.5/15% for throws.)
- Throws have been grouped into two general categories:
1. Throws that cause eject or flatten reactions eject Heavy amounts of AP orbs.
2. Throws which act as combo starters eject Light amounts of AP orbs (33% of Heavy).
Jak’s Up Throw and Sweet Tooth’s Up Throw eject Medium amounts of AP orbs (67% of Heavy).
- Throws, items, level hazards, and other AP eject attacks now produce 50% more orbs during 2X AP Overtime, 100% more orbs during 3X AP Overtime, and 150% more orbs during 4X AP Overtime. AP multipliers no longer increase the value of individual orbs.
- Explosion radii of all mines have been standardized to 0.375 meters, explosion durations have been standardized to 8 frames, and maximum lifetimes have been standardized to 5 seconds.
- Double-tapping L2 now causes characters to eject 50 AP as orbs while taunting.


Big Daddy
- Air F+Square armor amount has been increased to 21 AP (previously 11).
- U+Circle recovery has been reduced by 2 frames.
- D+Circle and air D+Circle ice mine duration has been increased to 150 frames (previously 96 ground and 114 air).
- Forward Throw and Up Throw recoveries have been reduced by 7 frames.
- Up Throw can now be canceled into U+Circle.
- Level 2 Super no longer allows rolling or air dodging, no longer remains invincible during recovery, and duration has been shortened to 6.5 seconds (previously 7 sec).
- Big Daddy’s reaction volume has been extended slightly further downward during common launch reactions.

Cole MacGrath
- Second air neutral Square hit volume has been enlarged by 25%.
- F+Circle recovery has been increased to 23 frames (previously 20).
- Air U+Circle ice platform is now destroyed when interrupted during startup.
- Air D+Circle recovery has been increased to 27 frames (previously 24).
- Level 1 Super hit volume has been lowered to 1 meter above ground (previously 2.25m).

- Second neutral Square moves slightly further forward to prevent whiffing after the first neutral Square connects at maximum range.
- Third neutral Square now generates 15 AP (previously 10).
- Successful neutral Circle and air neutral Circle counters can be canceled into Triangle attacks.
- Air neutral Circle hit volume now covers the area slightly below Dante.
- U+Circle and air U+Circle now generate AP evenly across all hits and final hit volume has been enlarged by 17%.
- D+Circle projectile durability has been increased to 15 AP (previously 5) and air D+Circle projectile durability has been increased to 10 AP (previously 5).
- Level 1 Super startup has been increased to 35 frames (previously 30).
- Level 1 Super can be canceled into Triangle attacks for 15 frames after the fireball is thrown.
- Level 2 Super can turn around properly during the first 5 frames of activation and no longer remains invincible during recovery.

Nathan Drake
- U+Square and air U+Square explosion timers have been reduced to 2 seconds (previously 2.5 sec).
- Neutral Triangle -> D+Circle now extends the initiation period of Drake’s cover wall to 25 frames (normally 20).
- Up Throw recovery has been reduced by 13 frames, and Drake can jump an additional 10 frames prior.

- Third U+Square recovery has been reduced to 33 frames (previously 36).
- Kinetic Rifle F+Triangle now generates 5 AP per shot (previously 3+3+4).
- MAW Launcher neutral Triangle recovery has been increased to 29 frames (previously 27), increasing the total duration to 42 frames (previously 40).
- Union Shotgun neutral Triangle recovery has been increased to 32 frames (previously 28), increasing the total duration to 42 frames (previously 40).
- Union Shotgun F+Triangle, air F+Triangle, U+Triangle, air U+Triangle, D+Triangle, and air D+Triangle active periods have been extended to 3 frames (previously 1).
- Union Shotgun air D+Triangle recovery has been reduced by 20 frames to match air F+Triangle and air U+Triangle.
- MAW Launcher and Union Shotgun discard timing has been standardized, in many cases occurring 3-6 frames earlier.
- Ground weapon discard animation can now be canceled into R1 bunker interact and landing during air weapon discard no longer triggers air attack landing state.
- Forward Throw recovery has been reduced by 7 frames.
- Level 2 Super startup has been reduced to 1 frame (previously 4).

Evil Cole
- Second air neutral Square hit volume has been enlarged by 25%.
- Fully charged neutral Circle and air neutral Circle punch startup has been increased to 13 frames (previously 10). (All other versions remain unchanged at 12 frames startup from idle or 6 frames startup from charge windup.)
- Level 1 Super startup has been increased to 23 frames (previously 20).

Fat Princess
- Air neutral Square startup has been increased to 11 frames (previously 8).
- D+Square recovery has been reduced by 1 frame and reverse swing now causes a light reaction.
- U+Triangle now remains on the ground for the first 10 frames of startup.
- Neutral Circle, air neutral Circle, U+Circle, and air U+Circle explosion radius has been reduced to 1.25 meters (previously 1.75m) and explosion duration has been reduced to 8 frames (previously 14).
- D+Circle and air D+Circle explosion duration has been increased to 5 frames (previously 2).
- Up Throw recovery has been reduced by 2 frames.
- Directional rolls have been shortened to 18 invincible frames followed by 19 vulnerable frames (previously 18 invincible plus 22 vulnerable).
- Level 1 Super can no longer be performed while an assist is on screen.
- Level 2 Super activation period has been reduced by 2 frames and duration has been shortened to 6 seconds (previously 7 sec).
- Level 2 Super ground attack can now turn around during the first 3 frames of startup.

Heihachi Mishima
- Air neutral Square now generates 20 AP (previously 15) and the stagger kneel reaction caused by the second hit has been shortened to 40 frames (normally 50).
- Air D+Square now generates 20 AP (previously 15), causes a slam-down bounce reaction, and hit volume has been extended 0.5 meters beyond Heihachi’s fist.
- F+Triangle follow-up hit volume has been extended 0.25 meters downward to hit short characters consistently.
- U+Triangle recovery has been increased by 3 frames, making it -7 on block.
- D+Circle -> Square becomes a guard crush attack when performed with full D+Circle Raijin charge.

- Neutral Square now generates 5 AP per shot (previously 10) and recovery time has been standardized across all states.
- F+Triangle, air F+Triangle, U+Triangle, air U+Triangle, and air D+Triangle reaction lengths have been standardized.
- F+Circle recovery has been increased to 20 frames (previously 11) and air F+Circle now begins descending after 40 frames (previously 32).
- F+Circle can now be canceled into F+Triangle after a successful hit.
- F+Circle and air F+Circle blade now reflects off all walls and level boundaries.
- Throw attempt timing has been readjusted to 9 startup frames, 3 active frames, and 23 recovery frames. (Projectile sensor stays active from frame 4 to frame 20.)
- Level 1 Super cost has been increased to 150 AP (previously 125).
- Level 1 Super startup has been increased to 40 frames (previously 35).
- Level 2 Super cost has been increased to 400 AP (previously 325).
- Level 2 Super startup has been increased to 20 frames (previously 14).
- Level 3 Super duration has been shortened to 11 seconds (previously 12 sec).

Jak and Daxter
- Neutral Square and air neutral Square now generate 35 AP (previously 30), with Jak’s primary strikes gaining 30 AP while Daxter’s strikes gain 5 AP (previously 26+4).
- F+Square now generates 10 AP (previously 5), recovery has been reduced to 29 frames (previously 31), and can be canceled into U+Circle.
- Air F+Square -> Square timing has been readjusted, punch hit volume has been enlarged by 50%, and turning is enabled during the first 3 frames of punch startup.
- U+Square now remains on the ground for the first 14 frames of startup, and can be moved slightly further forward during the first 5 frames of startup.
- Air U+Square can now be canceled into air neutral Square and air F+Square with similar timing to ground U+Square, but only after a successful hit.
- F+Triangle now generates 5 AP per shot (previously 6).
- U+Triangle and air U+Triangle now generate 10 AP (previously 10), startup has been reduced to 20 frames (previously 24), and explosion radius has been reduced to 1.5 meters (previously 1.65m).
- Neutral Circle and air neutral Circle drone durability has been increased to 11 AP (previously 1), and the drone now bounces off walls and level bounds instead of exploding on contact.
- U+Circle now generates 10 AP (previously 5).
- D+Circle and air D+Circle projectiles can no longer be reflected or absorbed, and uncharged explosion hit volumes have been enlarged by 20%.
- Forward Throw and Down Throw recoveries have been reduced by 7 frames.
- Up Throw can now be canceled into air F+Square.

- Neutral Square recovery has been increased by 2 frames, making it -5 on block.
- Second neutral Square recovery has been increased by 6 frames, making it -9 on block.
- Third neutral Square recovery has been increased by 9 frames, making it -15 on block.
- U+Square recovery has been increased by 2 frames, making it -20 on block.
- Neutral Triangle now has 10 additional frames of recovery when it doesn’t register a successful hit, making it -15 on block.
- D+Triangle -> Square recovery has been increased by 5 frames, making it -12 on block.
- D+Triangle no longer retains respawn invincibility.
- Air neutral Circle debris summon now begins descending after 10 frames (previously 65).
- Gravity Shift air dash and wall stand dismount can no longer be canceled into air dodge.
- Wall stand duration has been reduced to 2 seconds (previously 4).
- Level 1 Super can no longer be performed during neutral Circle debris heave cooldown.

- Neutral Square recovery has been increased by 1 frame, making it -5 on block. (Second neutral Square recovery remains unchanged at -10 on block.)
- Third neutral Square now generates 25 AP (previously 30) and recovery has been increased by 9 frames, making it -18 on block.
- Air neutral Square and air F+Square now require a successful hit to be canceled into double jump.
- Third air neutral Square now generates 25 AP (previously 30).
- U+Square recovery has been increased by 3 frames, making it -12 on block.
- D+Square recovery has been increased by 6 frames, making it -12 on block. (Second D+Square recovery remains unchanged at -10 on block.)
- Neutral Triangle recovery has been increased by 11 frames, making it -12 on block.
- D+Triangle recovery has been reduced by 10 frames to match the air version, making it -23 on block.

- After neutral Square Key Pose, secondary neutral Square sequence now generates 30 AP total and consistently causes a stagger kneel reaction.
- Third air neutral Square now generates 25 AP (previously 30).
- After F+Square Key Pose, secondary F+Square sequence opener recovery has been reduced to 48 frames (previously 51).
- Square attack Key Poses can now be canceled into F+Triangle.
- Air U+Triangle can now be canceled into air attacks on frame 42 (previously 43).
- D+Triangle now generates 10 AP (previously 20) and combos reliably into neutral Square from maximum range.
- Air D+Triangle now causes a mini-launch lift reaction against both grounded and airborne opponents, but can only be performed once per jump.
- U+Circle recovery has been reduced to 39 frames (previously 47).
- Forward Throw now causes a mini-launch lift reaction and can be canceled into U+Triangle.
- Forward Throw and Up Throw commands have been swapped to match the reactions they cause more intuitively.
- Level 1 Super cost has been reduced to 125 AP (previously 150).
- Level 2 Super cost has been increased to 400 AP (previously 325).
- Level 2 Super activation attack startup has been increased to 15 frames (previously 2).
- Level 2 Super initial hit volume length has been reduced to 5 meters (previously 6m) and shifted slightly forward, so most of the reduction affects the area behind Nariko.
- Level 2 Super activation attack now causes a full launch reaction.
- Level 3 Super duration has been shortened to 14 seconds (previously 15 sec).

- Neutral Square sequence now generates 40 AP total (previously 43).
- U+Square startup has been increased to 11 frames (previously 9).
- D+Square hit volume has been extended 0.25 meters forward to connect more consistently after neutral Square.
- D+Square can be canceled into F+Square 4 frames prior to normal recovery.
- F+Triangle recovery has been reduced by 5 frames, making it -7 on block.

- Neutral Square hit volume has been extended 0.25 meters downward to hit short characters more consistently.
- Second neutral Square hit volume has been enlarged by 40% and can now be canceled into D+Circle.
- Second air neutral Square hit volume has been enlarged by 50% and recovery has been reduced to 21 frames (previously 24).
- U+Square recovery has been reduced to 23 frames (previously 26).
- D+Square now generates 20 AP (previously 10) and causes a stagger drop reaction.
- Up Throw recovery has been reduced by 3 frames.
- Level 2 Super startup has been reduced to 25 frames (previously 30).

- Fourth neutral Square and fifth air neutral Square now generate 25 AP (previously 30).
- Air D+Triangle landing can now be canceled into attacks after 5 frames, or blocking and jumping after 10 frames, but movement and supers are prohibited for the full 20 frames.
- Air neutral Circle counter now causes a mini-launch lift reaction.
- F+Circle -> B+Square now has a 5-frame cancel delay, and F+Circle can be canceled into D+Square with the same timing.
- Level 1 Super startup has been increased to 32 frames (previously 26) and recovery has been increased to 70 frames (previously 64).
- Level 1 Super no longer allows turning after the first 5 frames, but movement is enabled after Raiden begins spinning.
- Level 2 Super no longer allows blocking, rolling, or air dodging, no longer remains invincible during recovery, and duration has been shortened to 6.5 seconds (previously 7 sec).
- Level 2 Super activation EMP stun can be reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds by rapidly mashing inputs, and Circle attack stun can be similarly reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.

- Air neutral Square, air F+Square, and air U+Square now require a successful hit to be canceled into double jump.
- U+Square startup has been reduced to 14 frames (previously 16).
- Air neutral Triangle regains fall gravity after 10 frames (previously 1) and recovery has been increased to 25 frames (previously 20).

- Neutral Triangle and air neutral Triangle serve now causes a mini-launch lift reaction with 14 frames of startup followed by 7 active frames, generating 10 AP. (Projectile startup remains unchanged at 40 frames.)
- Air D+Triangle checkpoint placement is permitted only when Sackboy has a double jump available.
- U+Circle and air U+Circle startup has been increased to 12 frames (previously 7) and bouncepad is now destroyed when interrupted during startup.
- Level 3 Super now begins with a 70-frame taunt to give the helpless bubbles a head start.

Sir Daniel
- Second neutral Square hit volume has been enlarged by 25% and can now be canceled into F+Square.
- Third neutral Square now generates 25 AP (previously 20).
- Shielded F+Square now gains 21 AP of armor after 8 frames of startup, lasting until the quick sword thrust begins or until the fully charged sword thrust’s active period ends.
- D+Square now generates 20 AP per hit (previously 10) during the first spin.
- Air D+Square startup has been reduced to 21 frames (previously 26).
- F+Triangle causes less pushback on impact without the Golden Shield, allowing Sir Daniel to follow up with neutral Square midscreen.
- Shielded F+Triangle armor amount has been increased to 21 AP (previously 11) and turning is briefly enabled after a successful hit.
- D+Triangle startup has been reduced to 15 frames (previously 21).
- Air D+Triangle now activates a small hit volume near Sir Daniel’s feet after 31 frames of startup, causing a light reaction and generating 5 AP. The hammer smash hit volume has been extended 0.5 meters backward.
- F+Circle now causes a twitch reaction upon contact with opponents, generating an additional 5 AP.
- Up Throw recovery has been reduced by 10 frames.
- Down Throw recovery has been reduced by 5 frames.
- Level 1 Super cost has been reduced to 100 AP (previously 125).
- Level 2 Super now creates a 1 meter by 1 meter hit volume around the Chalice of Souls, active for 4 frames starting when the projectiles appear.

Sly Cooper
- Neutral Circle and air neutral Circle counter attack recovery has been increased by 4 frames, making it -2 on block.
- U+Circle now reflects projectiles during frames 9-24 while hopping into the barrel only, and air U+Circle reflects projectiles during frames 17-30 only.
- U+Circle barrel exit now requires a successful or blocked hit to be canceled into air attacks, double jump, and hover.
- D+Circle explosion now launches opponents 10% higher.
- Up Throw recovery has been reduced by 2 frames.
- L1 invisibility now reduces Sly’s movement speed by 25% and his transparency level decreases from 90% to 67% after 2 seconds.
- Level 1 Super no longer becomes invincible at any point during recovery (previously invincible during frames 34-57).

- Air F+Square charge requirement has been increased to 20 frames (previously 15).
- Charged U+Triangle and air U+Triangle now generate 30 AP (previously 20) and cause an eject tornado reaction.
- Neutral Circle now causes a stagger kneel reaction on the first hit, followed by a stagger drop reaction on the second hit. Quick dash recovery has been increased by 2 frames, making it -7 on block. Fully charged dash now generates 30 AP total (previously 25) and guard crushes while running forward.
- Air neutral Circle timing has been readjusted to combo properly and the first hit now generates 5 AP (previously 4).
- Up Throw now causes a full launch reaction and recovery has been increased by 2 frames.
- Directional rolls have been shortened to 18 invincible frames followed by 13 vulnerable frames.

Sweet Tooth
- Neutral Square can now be canceled into U+Square, and both neutral Square hit volumes have been enlarged slightly to juggle more consistently after U+Square.
- U+Square hit volumes have been extended 0.1 meters forward.
- D+Square secondary gust now generates 20 AP (previously 10) and causes a crumple reaction to match the initial stomp.
- Air D+Square recovery has been reduced by 1 frame, making it -4 on block.
- Air neutral Triangle now allows movement while spinning, similar to the ground version.
- F+Triangle hit volume has been extended 0.25 meters forward during its 3rd and 4th active frames.
- Air D+Triangle hit volume has been extended 0.25 meters backward to cover the entire muzzle flash.
- F+Circle and air F+Circle molotov bottles now generate 10 AP (previously 5) from a direct hit.
- Forward Throw recovery has been reduced by 5 frames.
- Up Throw can now be canceled into Level 2 Super.
- Level 2 Super missile maximum speed has been increased by 50% and turning control has been improved.

- Torobi neutral Triangle and air neutral Triangle now generate 20 AP (previously 26 and 36) and can be canceled into double jump after a successful hit.
- Torobi air F+Triangle final hit volume has been enlarged by 25%.
- Oni F+Triangle can now be canceled into Level 2 Super upon landing from the first spin.
- Oni air D+Triangle landing can now be canceled into block 5 frames prior to normal recovery.
- Forward Throw and Up Throw recoveries have been reduced by 3 frames.

- Air U+Square hit volume has been extended 0.5 meters downward and recovery has been reduced to 15 frames (previously 19).
- Charged neutral Triangle hit volume thickness has been doubled to hit short characters consistently.
- D+Circle and air D+Circle hit volumes have been extended further downward to cover Zeus’ entire body, similar to their charged versions.
- Charged D+Circle lightning bolt now generates 20 AP (previously 10).
- Forward Throw recovery has been reduced by 9 frames.
- Up Throw now causes a slam-down bounce reaction and recovery has been reduced by 5 frames.
- Down Throw recovery has been reduced by 6 frames.
- Directional rolls have been adjusted to 21 invincible frames followed by 13 vulnerable frames. (Previously Zeus was able to remain completely invincible while evading.)

- Leech Beam now siphons 100 AP (previously 140) in 4 AP increments (previously 5).
- Fusion Bomb bouncing Nitroballs now eject Medium amounts of AP orbs (previously Light).

- Online synchronization after Infinite Avoidance state has been improved.
- PS Vita version now ignores D-Pad inputs while holding opposite directions on the L-Stick and D-Pad, to match PS3 version behavior.
- Environment Stun reactions can no longer be thrown, which prevents inescapable Ratchet Suck Cannon loops on certain stages.
- Cole’s AP gain timing during neutral Triangle Overload has been corrected.
- Dante can no longer turn around mid-dash when F+Circle carries him off a ledge.
- Dante’s F+Circle and air F+Circle can now be canceled into B+Square and air B+Square, respectively.
- Drake’s Up Throw no longer counts toward the Infinite Avoidance limit.
- Drake’s lvl3 super Descendants can no longer be thrown when dizzy.
- Emmett’s air U+Circle and air D+Circle supply bunkers no longer fail to appear if summoned while landing.
- Emmett can no longer interact with supply bunkers while throwing, being thrown, or using Circle button moves. However, Square and Triangle attacks can still be canceled by pressing R1 (near supply bunkers).
- Emmett and Kat’s block stun durations have been standardized to 15 frames to match the rest of the cast.
- Isaac’s lvl1 super reticule stability has been greatly improved in online games.
- Isaac and Raiden’s air attack landing states have been standardized, preventing them from performing supers for 11 frames (previously 5).
- Jak’s U+Square now cancels into air F+Square with consistent timing in both directions.
- Jak’s air Triangle and air Circle attacks now transition properly to corresponding ground states when used immediately before landing.
- Jak’s charged D+Circle is now considered airborne 5 frames after the button is released.
- Jak can now use items correctly after pickup during Blue Mod gun stance.
- Jak now reacts properly to the Sonic Rift item and his own lvl2 super.
- Jak’s lvl2 super explosion hit volume has been extended 0.25 meters downward to reach ground level and clear out mines.
- Jak, Parappa, and Sir Daniel no longer negate pushback from multi-hit attacks while in block stun reaction.
- Kat’s neutral Circle and air neutral Circle debris online desync issues have been greatly reduced.
- Kat can now perform backward diagonal air dashes without turning around beforehand.
- Kat decelerates properly upon landing from air dashes while attacking or holding items.
- Kat’s crumple forward reaction timing has been standardized.
- Nariko’s neutral Circle and air neutral Circle now register all of their AP on the last hit, to trigger AP burst more consistently online.
- Nariko’s lvl2 super activation and cannon spin attacks can no longer be blocked.
- Nariko can no longer perform air attacks after her lvl3 super timer expires.
- Parappa and Raiden’s lvl2 supers are no longer considered grounded during air recovery.
- Ratchet’s air neutral Triangle now transitions properly to corresponding ground states.
- Ratchet’s F+Triangle and air F+Triangle wrench no longer hits twice on the way back.
- Ratchet’s air attack landing state has been standardized. (Previously Ratchet was able to attack or block immediately upon landing after using air Triangle and air Circle attacks.)
- Sackboy’s neutral Triangle and air neutral Triangle projectiles no longer cause a twitch reaction on impact (previously generating an additional undocumented 10 AP).
- Sackboy can no longer perform ground actions in mid-air during air F+Circle recovery.
- Sly’s air neutral Circle is now considered airborne during recovery.
- Toro’s air stance changes no longer allow canceling into Torobi air neutral Triangle, Oni air F+Triangle, and Oni air U+Triangle multiple times per jump.
- Toro can no longer turn around more than once during lvl1 super and lvl2 super startup.
- Zeus’ D+Circle and air D+Circle startup has been readjusted to always activate hit volumes and lightning bolts, even if the Circle button is released after 1 frame
- Zeus’ lvl3 super activation now destroys existing Sackboy D+Triangle checkpoints.
- ZBoots of Hermes, Killer Bees, Leech Beam, and Razor Claws buffs are no longer removed by Infinite Avoidance state.
- Minor VFX timing fixes for Big Daddy’s air Square attacks, Big Daddy’s lvl2 super, Cole’s U+Circle, Dante’s lvl2 super, Emmett’s air Square attacks, Fat Princess’ charged neutral Square, Isaac’s neutral Square, Isaac’s item-equipped double jump, Jak’s lvl2 super, Kat’s U+Circle, Raiden’s air F+Triangle, Raiden’s D+Circle, Ratchet’s lvl1 super, Sir Daniel’s F+Square, Spike’s lvl1 super, Zeus’ D+Circle, LR-3 Railgun aim cancellation, and Murder of Crows projectile.

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