Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is finally out, and it is offering a great, fun reimagining of all nine mainline Star Wars films. It brings forth what could be the largest roster of playable characters in every game ever - each of them having their own movesets and abilities you can upgrade.
lego star wars skywalker saga steam
In this new, ambitious Lego Star Wars game, upgrading your character's abilities can be done with Kyber Bricks - combined with your studs allows you to unlock new abilities - in order to make them more fun to handle as you traverse the Galaxy Far, Far Away.
In this guide, you will know of several techniques to effectively farm Kyber Bricks all over the galaxy, so you can upgrade each and every character you unlock as you progress through the entire game.
The Easiest Way To Collect Kyber Bricks
According to TheLoadout, there are two basic ways to farm Kyber Bricks in Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga: winning them within story missions and completing side quests. You can get as many as six Kyber Bricks for every story mission you complete, but only if you fulfill specific challenges.
These challenges are as follows:
- Collect enough studs to achieve "True Jedi" status
- Collect all five Minikits within a specific level
- Finish all level challenges
So whenever you blast through the explorable areas, be sure to collect as many studs as you can by smashing through anything you can get your hands on. Don't worry about this feeling "weird," especially if you're playing as a Jedi-that's what Lego games are made for. As for the other two (level challenges and Minikits), you can also easily spot them whenever you traverse the open world (or in this case, galaxy).
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As for side missions, you can earn around one brick for every one you complete. Fortunately, TT Games made it easy to determine which side quests give you Kyber Bricks, by adding an image of them above a quest-giving NPC's head. You can find these NPCs throughout the galaxy.
Visit The Game's Explorable Planets And Locations
According to ProGameGuides, there are a total of 24 fully explorable planets and city locations within the game. Every single location contains more than enough Kyber Bricks to upgrade every playable character in the game, and an image on the mini-map marks each brick.
lego star wars skywalker saga
Now, some of these bricks can be quite easy to find. But some of them can only be obtained if you complete puzzles. These puzzles may require you to use very specific characters, like Jedi, who can use the Force to lift objects, or Droids, who can access tech terminals.
Shoot Kyber Brick Comets
In Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga, you're not limited to exploring the galaxy on foot. You can also hop onto any starship you have and go to space, where Kyber Brick comets float about in the space above planets, writes GamePur.
To collect the Kyber Bricks from these comets, you need to shoot them until they fall apart and reveal the Bricks inside. Each comet will have a health bar similar to a boss during a boss fight, which you'll need to whittle down with shots. Once you fully destroy the comet, you can get as many as five Kyber Bricks.
lego star wars skywalker saga
Story posted on GameNGuide
Written by RJ Pierce